Page 206 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 4
P. 206

An Evaluation on Damage Assessment Works in
                                    Kahramanmaraş Earthquake

            Construction  Works.  According  to  the  thirteenth  article  of  Law  No.  7269,
            damage assessments must be carried out by architects and civil engineers,
            each assessment is made by teams consisting of two persons including an
            architect or civil engineer, and when the tablets go online, the input data is
            transferred  to  the  central  database.  The  software  accelerates  the  damage
            assessment process,  increases the accuracy  of the data and ensures  the
            effective  use  of  resources.  Even  if  the  damage  assessment  teams  are
            composed of architects and engineers, they are subject to training by YIGM
            bearing in mind the importance of damage assessment. The trainings were
            organized face-to-face and online, damage assessment training was provided
            to approximately 54,000 technical personnel working in the public, private
            sectors and NGOs according to YIGM records.

                               Picture 1. Damage Assessment Trainings

               Damage assessment studies after the Kahramanmaraş earthquakes were
            instantly shared with many institutions via software, and necessary precautions
            and measures were taken while ensuring the continuity of activities such as
            temporary housing, accommodation by AFAD, power on and cut in critical
            areas by the Ministry of Energy. Thus, it was supported to safely return to the
            normal flow of life.

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