Page 202 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 4
P. 202

An Evaluation on Damage Assessment Works in
                                    Kahramanmaraş Earthquake

               As a result of these two earthquakes, in the scope of “Regulation on the
            Basic Rules Related to the Impact of Disasters on Public Life” the Disaster
            and  Emergency  Management  Presidency  (AFAD)  declared  the  cities
            Kahramanmaraş,  Kilis,  Diyarbakır,  Adana,  Osmaniye,  Gaziantep,  Şanlıurfa,
            Adıyaman, Malatya, Hatay, Elazığ, Bingöl, Kayseri, Mardin, Tunceli, Niğde and
            Batman provinces and Sivas Gürün District as a “Zone of Disaster Affecting
            the Public Life”, and there have been great losses of life and property in 18
            provinces. According to the data of the Ministry of the Interior, more than
            50,000 lives were lost as a result of the earthquakes, which marks as one of
            the largest earthquake events in history and are called the catastrophe of the
            century (Regulation on the Basic Rules Related to the Impact of Disasters on
            Public Life, 1968; “Ministry of the Interior”, 2023).
               As  it  can  be  seen,  earthquakes  are  the  most  destructive  among  natural
            disasters and can result in great material and moral damage. Thus, the recent
            earthquakes have proved and once again shown that we should live with the
            reality  of  earthquakes.  Damage  assessment  studies  are  the  most  important
            activities following the search and rescue operations which are the acute period
            at the time of an earthquake. This study aims to prepare for earthquakes that
            may occur in the coming periods by considering the damage assessment
            preparation processes as well as the issues that are encountered and overcome.

               Legislation, Relevant Institutions and The Historical Process Regarding The
               Damage Assessment Studies in Our Country

               The historical development of the damage assessment process and having
            a good knowledge of the provisions in the current legislation is an aspect that
            absolutely needs to be addressed considering the importance of the issue.
            The studies carried out to reduce the earthquake damages in our country
            were  started  after  the  Erzincan  earthquake  on  26.12.1939,  which  is  one  of
            the largest and most destructive earthquakes in our history resulting in the
            loss of 32,962 lives according to official records. (Alyamac & Erdogan, 2005).
            Following the earthquake, “The Law no.3773 on Buildings to be Constructed
            to Those Who Suffered in Erzincan and in the Areas Affected by the Erzincan
            Earthquake” of January 17, 1940 was published (Law No. 3773, 1940). With this
            law, providing in-kind and cash aids to those whose houses were collapsed was
            set out under the regulations. “Law No. 4623 on ‘Measures to be taken before
            and after earthquakes” was published on July 22, 1944, thus the basis of the
            disaster management system in Türkiye was established (Law No. 4623, 1944).
            Since Law no. 4623 covers only the measures to be taken and works to be
            performed before and after earthquakes; in order to determine the principles
            for permanent settlement activities to be conducted after disasters“The Law

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