Page 204 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 4
P. 204

An Evaluation on Damage Assessment Works in
                                    Kahramanmaraş Earthquake

            or rotational stiffness in the building, the level of damage should be decided
            only as a result of an external technical examination, so that the life safety of
            the assessment personnel should be ensured. For site safety, it is necessary
            to  conduct  an  external  observational  examination  of  the  structures  before
            starting damage assessment. (Elyiğit & Ekinci, 2023).
               The forms to be used in the damage assessment are available in the annex of
            Damage Assessment Circular No. 7663 of 14.04.2014 and degrees of damage
            were described which are given below (Damage Assessment Circular, 2014).
               The degrees of damage are defined as follows.
               Non-damaged: The structure that has not suffered any damage due to a
            natural disaster,
               Minor Damage: Hairline cracks on the coating, shedding of the coating,
            hairline cracks with1-4 mm width on the walls, cracks up to 10 mm on infill and
            gable walls and partial shedding,
               Moderate Damage: Significant cracks with a width of 5-10 mm in the load-
            bearing walls, partial collapses and separations in the partition gable and infill
               Severe  Damage:  Extensive  shear  fractures  wider  than  10  mm  on  load-
            bearing walls, separation and crushing at the corners of the building, shedding
            in a conical form, vertical shear of the building,
               Collapsed:  Partial  or  complete  collapses  in  the  building’s  load-bearing
            system, partial or complete collapse of the roof.
               Very Severely Damaged (Buildings to be Demolished Urgently): These are
            buildings  in  which  the  load-bearing  elements  of  the  building  are  partially
            or  completely  collapsed  due  to  an  earthquake,  largely  by  permanent
            displacement. It is not allowed to enter into and evacuate the property inside
            these buildings which can be no longer used. Following the end of general
            aftershock earthquakes, this building is removed in the form of debris (Turkish
            Building Earthquake Regulation, 2018).
               The symbols used in damage detection are given in Table -1 below.

                 Table-1 Damage Indicators and Types (İlki, Demir, Cömert, & Halıcı, 2023).

                Indicator    Damage Type   Crack Width(w)  Pressure Damage Form
                   0         Non-damaged        -                   -
                   A         Minor Damage    w≤0.5mm                -
                   B           Moderate    0.5mm≤w≤3mm         Shell crushing

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