Page 208 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 4
P. 208

An Evaluation on Damage Assessment Works in
                                    Kahramanmaraş Earthquake

               Although there were difficulties in finding sufficient human resources for
            such a comprehensive damage assessment, according to the data obtained
            from the damage assessment software (HTS), about 8,000 technical personnel
            involved in damage assessment studies in the Kahramanmaraş earthquake.
            These  persons  were  assigned  by  requesting  from  records  in  various
            public  institutions  and  organizations,  building  inspection  and  laboratory
            organizations, municipalities, universities and chambers of engineers through
            official  correspondence.  The  logistics-supply  needs  and  coordination  of
            all  these  technical  personnel  were  provided  by  YIGM.  It  is  thought  that
            coordination can be ensured more easily if all civil engineers and architects in
            the country are electronically registered in a database and these people are
            trained at certain intervals to keep the knowledge up to date.
               Moreover, the citizens were informed by publishing the examination results
            on  while  the  damage  assessment  was  still  ongoing.
            Assessment  was  performed  again  on  the  areas  affected  by  the  aftershocks
            which are located in the earthquake-hit provinces, and despite this, damage
            assessment, in general, lasted 45 days while the objection period took 20 days.
               The first approval for the zones affected by the earthquakes were obtained
            for 11 provinces, subsequently 17 provinces and one district were affected
            as well. The total number of buildings in the 11 provinces affected by the
            earthquake  is  given  in  Table  2,  based  on  the  Spatial  Address  Registration
            System (MASK) data of the Ministry of the Interior, (Akgül & Etli̇, 2023).

            Table 2. The total number of buildings in the 11 provinces affected by the earthquake

                  Province     Residence  Workplace  Public    Other     Total
             Adana              404.502    29.920    8.916     7.779    451.117
             Adıyaman           107.242    5.765     4.370     3.119    120.496
             Diyarbakır         199.138    11.412    11.964    3.165    225.679
             Elazığ             106.569    7.221     2.872     7.051    123.713
             Gaziantep          269.212    22.829    5.480     8.162    305.683
             Hatay              357.467    33.511    10.382    5.489    406.849
             Kahramanmaraş      219.351    12.358    6.879     4.565    243.153
             Kilis              33.399     1.526     1.651      736      37.312
             Malatya            159.896    8.370     6.670     4.051    178.987
             Osmaniye           128.163    9.428     3.105     2.384    143.080
             Şanlıurfa          347.902    18.847    11.790    4.089    382.628
             Total             2.332.841  161.187    74.079    50.590   2.618.697

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