Page 211 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 4
P. 211

İrşade Aydoğdu Gürbüz - Banu Aslan

            incomplete structures, it is mandatory to obtain a technical report from
            institutions  or  organizations  authorized  by  the  Ministry  of  Environment,
            Urbanization and Climate Change. The Ministry cooperated with the Council
            of Higher Education on creating the technical reports for incomplete buildings,
            and assessment on the structures under construction was carried out by the
            academic personnel of universities throughout the country. Table-6 shows the
            status of buildings under construction according to the Damage Assessment
            Software (HTS) data.

             Table-6 Damage conditions of incomplete buildings in 11 provinces (HTS-12.06.2023)

                                        Element-    Sys-      Not Rein-
                               Non-      Based    tem-Based   forced Due to
                PROVINCE                                                  TOTAL
                              damaged   Reinforce-  Reinforce-  Severe Dam-
                                         ment       ment        age
              1  ADIYAMAN       950       132       100          47        1.229
              2  KİLİS          381        1         5           0         387
              3  ELAZIĞ        1.532      27         15          1         1.575
              4  OSMANİYE       963       25        138          5         1.131
              5                2.931      209       129         117        3.386
              6  GAZİANTEP     5.441      271        65          6         5.783
              7  ŞANLIURFA     2.746      186        20          2         2.954
              8  HATAY         2.336      137       173          64        2.710
              9  DİYARBAKIR    2.612       2         0           0         2.614
             10  ADANA         3.689      89         14          0         3.792
             11  MALATYA       1.297      123        74          5         1.499
                               24.878    1.202      733         247       27.060
               In the light of these data, it is considered that it would be appropriate to make
            arrangements for the design earthquake in the Turkish Building Earthquake
               The  findings  stated  in  the  report  “Activities  of  the  Ministry  of  Public
            Works and Settlement of Republic of Türkiye after the Marmara and Düzce
            Earthquakes”  prepared  by  the  Presidency  of  the  Court  of  Accounts  within
            the scope of Performance Audit Reports are as follows: After the earthquake
            of  17.08.1999,  AIGM  assigned  23  technical  personnel,  10  of  whom  were
            civil  engineers,  having  experience  in  damage  assessment  studies  in  the
            earthquake zone. These personnel informed the other officials arriving at the
            region to make damage assessment about how to make damage assessment

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