Page 210 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 4
P. 210

An Evaluation on Damage Assessment Works in
                                    Kahramanmaraş Earthquake

            Interior.  In  classification  of  these  buildings  according  to  their  construction
            techniques, wooden, mixed or unidentified bearing systems are indicated as
            others (“2023 Kahramanmaraş and Hatay Earthquakes Report”, 2023).

             Table-5 Percentages of Load-Bearing Systems of Buildings in the Earthquake Zone (%)
                          Concrete      Steel     Masonry    Prefabricated  Other
             Building        86.7        2.4        3.5          3.6        3.9
             Apartment       95.4        0.4        1.3          0.6        2.3
               While the methods of damage assessments were defined for reinforced
            concrete  and  masonry  buildings,  experts  were  assigned  for  the  buildings
            that differ or have specific features in terms of construction technology (for
            example, steel, prefabricated, seismic insulators, etc.).
               In addition, the Turkish Building Earthquake Regulation, which entered into
            force in 2019, provides the necessary rules and minimum conditions for the
            design and construction of all public and private buildings and building-type
            structures, all or parts of which will be reconstructed, modified, extended, as
            well as for the evaluation and strengthening of the performance of existing
            buildings  under  the  impact  of  earthquakes.  According  to  this  regulation,
            the design earthquake, which will be based on the design of new buildings,
            corresponds to the severe earthquake defined in 1.2.1. For buildings with a
            Building Significance Coefficient I = 1, defined in Section 2, Table 2.3, the
            probability  of  exceeding  the  design  earthquake  within  a  50-year  period  is
            10%. Earthquakes with different exceeding probabilities are defined in Section
            7 in order to be taken into account in the assessment and reinforcement of
            existing buildings (Turkish Building Earthquake Regulation, 2018).
               Looking through the earthquakes centered in Kahramanmaraş, it was seen
            that the largest ground acceleration was 0.664 (g)=0.664×9.81=6.51 m/s2 and
            the highest acceleration that can occur in a building was 2 (g)=2×9.81=19.62
            m/s2.  At  the  same  coordinate  points  on  the  earthquake  hazard  maps  of
            Türkiye, the maximum ground acceleration is estimated as 0.375 (g) and the
            maximum building acceleration is projected as 1.075 (g) in the values based
            on  the  design.  The  realized  value  of  0.664  (g)  is  significantly  greater  than
            the design acceleration value of 0.375 (g). As a result of multiplying these
            accelerations by the weight of the building, the earthquake force expected
            to  affect/affected  the  structure  is  determined.  Due  to  these  accelerations,
            damage has also occurred to the structures that are under construction in
            the region. For assessing such buildings, a Circular on Incomplete Buildings
            in  Zones  of  Disaster  Affecting  the  Public  Life  was  published  by  AFAD  on
            19.02.2023.  According  to  the  circular,  in  order  to  assess  the  condition  of

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