Page 169 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 3
P. 169

Abdüssamet Aydın - Necati Cem Aktuz

              Table 13: Prepared by the author using the Benefits and Challenges of Integrated
                               Pest Management (FAO, 2018h) report.
                        BENEFITS                        CHALLENGES

             •   Reduced operating costs
             •   Reduced external effects    •   The transition from traditional
                                                knowledge to innovative approach-
                 and costs (human health        es
             •   Improved water quality      •   Provision of the necessary equip-

               2.11. Water Harvesting
               Water harvesting means the collection of runoff in various ways for irrigation
            purposes in production. Instead of allowing the runoff water to leave the area,
            the water is harvested through temporary catchment by using soil and ground
            surfaces, and utilised at its source. This is usually performed by designing and
            creating small barriers and catchment areas. The purpose here is to keep the
            water in many small ponds and to reuse it for various purposes (irrigation, fire
            fighting, biodiversity, etc.) instead of allowing it leave the area where it came from.
            According to Critchley, 1991, water harvesting is a very important tool for soil and
            water protection in semi-arid and drought-prone areas. Both the returns and the
            reliability of production can be significantly improved with this technique.

                Table 14: Prepared by the author using the Benefits and Challenges of Water
                                  Harvesting (FAO, 2018b) report.
                        BENEFITS                        CHALLENGES
             •   Increase in water infiltration
                 and catchment areas
             •   Increase in productivity in   •   Adoption of the technique in local
                 arid and semi-arid areas       level
             •   Reduction in erosion and    •   Seasonal distribution and variabil-
                 soil loss during times of      ity of rain
                 heavy rain                  •   Investment needs (materials, labor
                                                and machinery)
                                             •   Soil restrictions (sandy soils)

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