Page 90 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 2
P. 90

Resilient Cities In Turkey For Sustainable
                                      Economic Development

            to human errors. Many people lost their lives, and many others got lost during
            the  disaster.  Moreover,  this  disaster  also  caused  a  great  deal  of  financial
               Reducing the effects of global climate change and the adaptation practices
            that will minimize the negative effects of environment and economy are crucial
            in this sense. The way cities adapt to climate change should be designed in
            detail. To create climate change resilient cities, it is essential to determine
            how cities are affected by climate change and will be affected by them in the
            future. In order to determine the current and potential effects, there is need for
            analyses based on scientific data. As a result of various analyses, the possibility
            of cities to be affected should be determined, and operations focusing on
            mitigating the damage to the cities with a high potential of disaster should
            be implemented. In creating cities with resilience against climate change and
            natural  disasters,  not  only  potential  threats,  but  also  unexpected  dangers
            should be taken into account. In the climate and natural disaster projections,
            this fact should be considered, and resilience against unexpected changes
            should definitely be measured.
               For  acting  before  the  emergence  of  disasters,  risk  management,
            identification and prevention practices are extremely important for countries
            with a high risk of natural disasters like Türkiye. To prevent a natural disaster
            that happens in our country from turning into a community-based disaster
            urban and regional planning should be made, and all components of these
            plans  should  be  assessed  holistically.  The  operations  which  will  be  carried
            out in line with the risks of natural disasters due to climate change, or the
            geophysical  movements  such  as  earthquakes  will  be  much  lower  than  any
            post-disaster costs. Not only in terms of disasters, but also as a society that
            values its citizens, all elements leading to climate change should be studied in
            detail, which will prevent the future negative incidents and casualties.
               To build resilient cities in Türkiye, there may be certain precautions to be
            taken  against  natural  disasters  in  the  short  term.  These  measures  include
            identfying  disaster  risks  by  creating  technological  systems  implementing
            reclamation projects for streams construction of durable buildings against the
            risk of earthquakes, reinforcing especially the roofs in stormy areas the roofs
            in stormy areas, increasing the use of renewable energy resources, as well as
            forestation practices.
               Urban  transformation  not  only  strengthens  the  social  structure,  but  also
            changes the economic conditions. Cities provide safety in all aspects for their
            citizens. The building stocks are reinforced with urban transformation, and
            cities are becoming resilient against disasters. These operations should focus
            on the long-term economic, social physical and environmental improvements.

                                                                  Year 1 / Issue 2 / July 2022  76
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