Page 86 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 2
P. 86

Resilient Cities In Turkey For Sustainable
                                      Economic Development

               Led by the Presidency, the Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services, the
            Ministry of Environment Urbanization and Climate Change, and the Ministry
            of Interior, the Directorate of Disaster and Emergency Management (AFAD)
            granted Elazığ 142 million Turkish liras, Malatya 65.5 million Turkish Liras, which
            makes 207.5 million Turkish Liras in total. AFAD, which was commissioned to
            organize a Humanitarian Aid Campaign by the President’s Office, raised a total
            of 111.796.221 Turkish Liras including the SMS donations. The Red Crescent
            raised  a  cash  total  of  456.740  Turkish  Liras.  AFAD  provided  18.153  people
            with some financial aid of 83.714.500 Turkish Liras. The Social Assistance and
            Solidarity Foundations granted 14.841.937 Turkish Liras to the people in need,
            which made the total donations 98.556.437 (Turkish Ministry of Interior, 2020).
               Ministry of Environment Urbanization and Climate Change invited tenders for
            23.249 of the 24.537 apartments that had been demolished or heavily damaged
            and  were  planned  to  be  rebuilt.  With  the  investments  of  10  billion  Turkish
            Liras after the Elazığ earthquake, a new city was built and it was announced
            that the housing project will be finalized within this year (Turkish Ministry of
            Environment  Urbanization  and  Climate  Change,  2022a).  For  the  earthquake
            victims whose buildings were destroyed or heavily damaged in Malatya city,
            Doğanyol,  Pütürge,  Kale,  Battalgaz,  and  Yeşilyurt  districts,  a  total  of  6.991
            apartments  were  built  with  a  total  cost  of  3,5  billion  Turkish  Liras.  Of  these
            apartments, 4.626 were disaster struck apartments, 2.286 were built through
            urban transformation projects and 79 were built through social projects (Turkish
            Ministry of Environment Urbanization and Climate Change, 2022b). In the final
            stage, in Elazığ and Malatya 36.000 apartments and offices were built in total,
            the investments reaching a total cost of 40 billion Turkish Liras (Turkish Ministry
            of Environment Urbanization and Climate Change, 2022c).

               b. Antalya-Muğla Fire –July 28 2021
               The fire that broke out in Antalya on  July 28  started in 4 different points.
            First  seen  in  Manavgat,  the  fire  spread  to  Akseki,  Gündoğmuş,  İbradı  and
            Alanya.  By  the  time  it  was  taken  under  control  on  Aug  6th,  the  fire  had
            damaged thousands of hectares of forest land, hundreds of houses, barns,
            and warehouses, and killed thousands of forest creatures and animals. The
            disaster, which burned over 58 thousand hectare of land, was not only a forest
            fire. 3 people were killed due to the fire, and 138 people were effected, 1 of
            whom was seriously injured. 320 cattle, 3.000 sheep and goats, 22 banana
            greenhouses, 15 vegetable greenhouses, 360 bee hives, and 4.000 acres of
            land were destroyed. The fire also caused an energy cut in 35 quarters (Turkish
            Ministry of Interior, AFAD, 2021b).

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