Page 157 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 1
P. 157
Dalya Hazar Kalonya
The relevant responses propose solutions to conflicts over pastures.
Pasture indicators are thought to be instrumental if integrated in climate
change indicators within the climate change and adaptation processes and to
be guiding for relevant decision makers and practitioners.
Pasture Indicators
In the media analysis of the study, when the keyword, “pastures” was
searched for, a total of 74 news articles published between the years 2012-2017
were reached. The negative (red) and positive (green) news with locational
data are shown in Figure 6.
Figure 6: Pasture news, 2012-2017 (Hazar, 2018)
The major positive news detected in the media analysis include pasture
improvement practices, wetlands and artificial lake for animals, subsidies
for livestock breeding (such as Angora goat), forage plant subsidies, solar
energy irrigation systems, workshops, conventions and seminars on livestock
breeding, and the promotion of apiculture and honey production (bee
pastures) in pastures.
The major negative news identified include pasture invasion (through
forestation or residencies, etc.), power plants on pastures, stone quarries
and mines, the infertility of pastures, the appropriation of pastures for other
uses, the use of pastures for agriculture, the damage of animals and plants
by pesticides, criticism on the ambiguity of 6360 num. Law for Metropolitan
Municipalities and the inefficiency of 4342 num. Pasture Law, criticism on
omnibus bills, the appropriation of pastures for construction (e.g., public
housing development projects and public investments, etc.) and droughts
due to climate change (Hazar, 2018).
142 Journal of Environment, Urbanization and Climate,