Page 161 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 1
P. 161
Dalya Hazar Kalonya
Meadows and pastures should be categorized within themselves, and
depending on the carbon sink potential, land appropriation should be provided
for marginal forests, and public property. In these lands, artificial pastures with
solar energy irrigation systems should be created and/or existing pastures
and pasture quality should be improved. Also, holistic grazing management
practices should be made more common, and grazing planning should be
made or improved. To deal with droughts, desertification and decreased CO2
capture due to climate change, pasture capacities should be improved and
wet and semi-wet pastures should be created. Pastures are easily affected by
climate change and can be effective in the mitigation of climate change effects
with the accurate land use planning and methods (Figure 11)).
Şekil 11: Mera Alanları DPSIR nedensel analiz modeli
(Hazar ve Velibeyoğlu, 2019 çalışmasından uyarlanmıştır.)
146 Journal of Environment, Urbanization and Climate,