Page 163 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 1
P. 163

Dalya Hazar Kalonya

            such as milk, wool, fur, and honey should be produced as well. To increase
            financial profitability in extensive farming systems, working with more than one
            product may decrease emissions per product to a great extent (TÜBİTAK, 2021).
               As the 4342 num. Pasture Law is not up-to-date in line with the current needs
            and climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies, the loss of pastures
            is much easier now. For this reason, the necessary rules and regulations should
            be made as soon as possible. Recently launched digital applications such
            as Pasture Information Systems (Mera Bilgi Sistemleri - MERBİS) have great
            potential for improved cadastral mapping, data security, and compensating
            for the lack of coordination between institutions.
               As understood from the General Directorate of Land Registry and Cadastre
            (TKGM) parcel information system, how to determine the borders of pastures
            is ambigious.  Protecting the pasture assets  through  mapping them  using
            more extensive shelter belts and according to bioregions rather than property
            boundaries is important for pastures to continue functioning as carbon sinks.
               Additionally, the migration of young population from rural to urban areas is
            one of the major problems related to the loss of pastures. In order to prevent
            it, the young population in the countryside should be supported through
            various development projects (such as Uzman Eller). Moreover, it is suggested
            that while deciding on land use in eco-sensitive rural planning processes,
            the geographical, biological, and physical characteristics of the pastures
            should also be taken into considerations. However, the current use of widely
            intensive methods in cattle breeding in Türkiye, trivializes pastures in the eyes
            of decision makers, and make way for their appropriation for other uses.
               As important carbon sinks, pastures have the potential to provide resistance
            and mitigate the effects of climate change. Through restorative agricultural
            practices such as holistic grazing management in particular, grazing
            management to be done under the supervision of relevant institutions and
            common organizations, and pastures should be positioned as an important
            component of urban and rural green infrastructure systems.
               The protection and improvement of pastures are also important for the
            sustainability of rural tradition and tacit knowledge. The organization of rural
            producers  should  be  promoted  through  improved  rural  policies  and  land
            use decisions as well as new community-based (common) organizations
            such as cooperatives and unions. Furthermore, there should be trainings for
            producers on modern and restorative agricultural practices, and monitoring
            and supervision systems should be established.
               Pastures cannot be handled without considering climate crisis, and the
            concept of food security, which has been an important current issue since the
            breakout of COVID-19 pandemic. It is a widely accepted fact that grassfed

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