Page 150 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 1
P. 150

The significance of pastures

            decreased by 3.1% in 2019 compared to previous year, and was measured
            as equivalent to 506,1 million-ton CO2. The total greenhouse gas emission
            per person was 4-ton CO2 eq. in 1990, 6,4-ton CO2 eq. in 2018, and 6,1-ton
            CO2 eq. in 2019. Agricultural sector emissions, on the other hand increased
            by 47.7% compared to 1990, and by 4,1% compared to the previous year,
            measured as 68 million-ton CO2 eq. (TÜİK, 2021a).
               The greenhouse gas emissions in Türkiye according to sectors and gas
            types  (2019)  are  shown  in  Figure  2.  According  to  the  figures,  agricultural
            sector comes second with 13.4% of emission after energy sector. Taking the
            distribution of gases into account, CO2 comes first, with 78.9% of emission,
            followed by CH4 with 11.9% of emission, and N2O with 7.9% emission (TÜİK,
               The sectoral greenhouse gas emission percentages in Türkiye is shown in
            Figure 3. According to Figure 3, the emission of 219,6 million-ton CO2 eq.
            emission in 1990 rose to 506.1 million-ton in 2019. There was a gradual increase
            in energy, industrial processes and product use as well as agricultural sector
            emissions, while after 2015, there seems to be decrease in waste sector-based
            emissions (TÜİK, 2021b).
               In terms of agricultural sector-based greenhouse gas emissions (Figure 4),
            enteric fermentation is the leading cause of emissions, making up 49% of the
            emissions, with CH4 in the lead. 39.2% of enteric fermentation comes from
            cattle, 7% from sheep and goats, 2.6% from other animals. Enteric fermentation
            is followed by agricultural land with 36% and fertilizer management with 13%
            (TÜİK, 2021b)

                Figure 2: Sectoral greenhouse gas emission percentages, 2019 (left); greenhouse
                gas emissions according to gases, 2019 (right) (generated by the writer based on
                                        TÜİK, 2021b data)

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