Page 146 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 1
P. 146

The significance of pastures

            in  extensive  production  are  not  taken  into  consideration  (Steinfeld,  2006;
            O'Brien  et  al,  2016;  Saunois  et  al,  2020;  Geß  et  al,  2020).  There  are  many
            successful  examples  to  restorative  agricultural  practices  in  pastures.  The
            Turkish  branch  of  Savory  Institute  “Anadolu  Meraları”  (Anatolian  Pastures)
            aims to mitigate the effects of climate change due to greenhouse gas
            emissions through “Holistic Grazing Management”, and/or as called in the
            literature, “Adaptive  Multi-Paddock  Grazing  Management”  (Clarke,  2021;
            Anadolu Meraları, 2021).
               The fact that Holistic Grazing Management enables more carbon storage
            in the soil can be proved through Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) (Thorbecke and
            Dettling, 2019; Clarke, 2021). In the land reserved for the studies of Anadolu
            Meraları in Çanakkale, Biga, as well as in the lands of many producers who
            join training sessions (in places like İzmir, Menderes) and the fields where the
            institution provides consultancy, it is possible to observe the effects of many
            practices such as stubble burning and grazing as well as the animal effects
            on ecosystem services such as water, mineral and energy cycles. Moreover,
            the fertility of the soil (minerals and organic materials) and carbon emission
            capacity are increased through mobile paddocking system, which imitates the
            movements of herds in nature (Hazar, 2018; Clarke, 2021).
               Different from continental bioregions, which largely depend on intensive
            production, in the Mediterranean bioregions, extensive production is
            promoted in many pastures for many reasons including the sustainability
            of  biodiversity  and  rural  landscape  (Geß  et  al,  2020;  Sañudo  et  al,  2007).
            Preventing pastures from being used for agriculture or for non-agricultural
            land use is an important issue in countries within Mediterranean bioregion
            such as Türkiye. This is because pastures play an essential role in carbon
            absorption capacity, preservation of biodiversity, prevention of erosion, and
            providing forage diversity (Hazar and Velibeyoğlu, 2018).
               As natural assets, rural-ecological commons and carbon sinks, pastures
            play a critical role in mitigation and adaptation strategies for climate change
            and food security. For this reason, the relevant concepts concerning pastures
            must be studied in detail.

               Pastures: Rural-Ecological Commons

               Pastures, whose user group is explicit in the literature of commons (village/
            villagers,  shepherds  and  the  number  of  animals,  etc.),  seem  to  have  an
            important place in rural-ecological commons (Hardin, 1968; Ostrom, 1990).
            Commons, which are available to public, whose use right is usually superior
            to property rights, are assets that belong to everyone. Commons are divided

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