Page 104 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 1
P. 104

Climate Change Responsive Tourism Planning:

               The  SWOT  matrix  prepared  based  on  the  effects  of  climate  change  in
            Turkish tourism sector is displayed in Table 1.

                            Table: The SWOT matrix in Turkish tourism sector

          STRENGTHS                           WEAKNESSES

          • Having different tourism types    • Low tourism revenues
          • Having different climate regions  • Concentration of tourism in certain
          • Developied Tourism infrastructure   areas
          • Türkiye becoming a world-         • Domination of mass tourism
          renowned destination                •Insufficient alternative transport
          • Supporting alternative tourism in   infrastructure
          Tourism master plan                 • Insufficient water resources
                                              • Energy system based on fossil fuels
                                              • Domination of coastal tourism
          OPPORTUNITIES                       THREATS

          • Seasons suitable for Tourism      • Decrease in tourism demand due
          activities getting longer           to the decrease in summer comfort
          • Alternative tourism getting       level
          widespread around the world         • Lack of the necessary infrastructure
          • Emergence of new tourism          for the changing tourism period
          destinations                        • With the decrease in deposited
          • Having the inventory to meet      snow, winter tourism at risk
          tourism demand                      • Disruptions in tourism services
                                              • With the rising sea levels, the
                                              tourism infrastructure at risk
                                              • Risks of disaster due to climate
                                              • The damage of climate related
                                              disasters on natural areas.

                                                                  Year 1 / Issue 1 / Jan 2022   89
   99   100   101   102   103   104   105   106   107   108   109