Page 16 - Bulletin 1
P. 16

Directorate General for European Union and Foreign Relations Bulletin

              “Combating Climate                                            The Future is in Zero Waste

              Change is Turkey’s Duty to                                    Stating that the Zero Waste movement is of great
              Humanity”                                                     importance in terms of reducing waste and preven-

                                                                            ting waste, Minister Murat Kurum said, “We must qu-
              Stating that Turkey is not a country responsible for          ickly develop financial mechanisms for the transiti-
              the  point  where  climate  change  has  come,  Mu-           on to a circular economy on waste, which is now an
              rat  Kurum  said  in  the  continuation  of  his  speech:     economic value. We have to accelerate the constru-
              “However,  we  have  a  sensitivity  that  comes  from        ction of rainwater harvesting systems with the reuse
              history.  That  is  our  duty  consciousness  towards         of wastewater and solid waste. We have to quickly
              humanity.”  The Minister reminded that, as a requ-            establish our infrastructure in order to increase the
              irement  of  this  awareness,  they  unanimously  ac-         use of renewable energy sources in new buildings
              cepted the Paris Climate Agreement on 6 October               and to develop almost zero energy building works
              2021 at the General Assembly of the Turkish Grand             with green building certification.” Stating that he ho-
              National Assembly and noted that they will prepare            pes the Climate Council, which will last for 5 days,
              Turkey’s  “National  Statement  of  Contribution  and         will serve Turkey’s Green Development Revolution
              Long Term Strategy and Action Plan” and submit it             in the best possible way, Kurum stated that they will
              to the UN Climate Change Framework Convention                 announce the targets they will reach through nego-
              Secretariat in 2022.                                          tiations and meetings with the final declaration.
                                                                            Within the scope of the program, Minister Murat Ku-
                                                                            rum  opened  the  painting  exhibition  reflecting  the
                                                                            effects of climate change and visited the three-di-
                                                                            mensional climate tunnel, which shows the negati-
            The Climate Council                                             ve effects of climate change dramatically.

            Hosted Many Panels

            The Climate Council, which will create the infrastructure   tor. Dominick Chilcott, UK Ambassador, Ovais Sarmad,
            of Turkey’s strategies, actions, policies and legislations   UNFCCC Deputy Executive Director and Gaetano Leo-
            in line with the 2053 Net Zero Emissions and Green De-      ne, Retired UN Executive Director took part as speakers
            velopment goal, has also hosted many panels.                at the panel.
            In the “Paris Climate Agreement and the International       In another panel held under the title of “Green Policy”,
            Process  in  the  Climate  Regime”  Panel,  After  the  26th    the role, contribution and importance of the parliamen-
            Conference of the Parties (COP26), the evaluation of the    tary process in the implementation of climate change
            global steps taken in the fight against climate change,     policies and the work of international organizations on
            the future of climate negotiations and the expectations     green policy were discussed. In the session moderated
            from the implementation phase of the Paris Agreement        by  UN Turkey  Resident  Coordinator Alvaro  Rodriguez,
            were discussed.                                             UNDP  Turkey  Resident  Representative  Louisa  Vinton,
            The moderator of the session was Prof.  Dr.  Mehmet         UNIDO  Turkey  Representative  Süleyman  Yılmaz  took
            Emin Birpınar, Deputy Minister of Environment, Urbani-      part as speakers.
            zation and Climate Change and Climate Chief Negotia-

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