Page 11 - Bulletin 1
P. 11

             Protection Shield for the Mediterranean

             with the ‘Antalya Ministerial Declaration’

             On the last day of the COP22 conference the “Antalya Mi-
             nisterial Declaration” was published.

             The “Antalya Ministerial Declaration” was published on the
             last day of the COP22 conference, which was held with the
             participation of ministers and representatives of the count-
             ries party to the Barcelona Convention, UN organizations
             UNEP, UNEP MAP and UNDP, and non-governmental or-
             ganizations  and  scientists.  According  to  the  declaration,
             a decision was taken to declare the Mediterranean as a
             whole as a “Sulfur Emissions Control Area (SECA)”.

             the sulfur content in the fuels used in marine transportati-  • Encourage Parties to begin further work to explore the
             on vehicles sailing in the Mediterranean Sea will be redu-   feasibility of a Nitrogen Oxide Emission Control Area in the
             ced to one-fifth by 2025 with the decision published on the  Mediterranean during 2022-23 to minimize maritime emis-
             last day of the 4-day conference, where 400 participants  sions and achieve significant health and environmental be-
             from 21 countries were present at the negotiations.          nefits;

             The declaration, which includes commitments to “prevent,  •  Through  a  sustainable  and  pollution-free  shipping  in-
             reduce and eliminate to the greatest possible extent” to  dustry,  a  rigorous  implementation  system  of  the  “Medi-
             combat pollution in the Mediterranean, included the fol-     terranean Strategy for the prevention, preparedness and
             lowing statements:                                           response of marine pollution from ships” (2022-2031), which
                                                                          contributes to the goal of a clean and healthy Mediterra-
             •  “The measures adopted to reduce air polluting emissi-     nean marine and coastal environment; and strengthened
             ons, as well as the decarbonization of ports and coastal     multi-sectoral cooperation and its effective implementa-
             cities across the Mediterranean; promoting the rapid imp-    tion;
             lementation  of  measures  that  assist  in  the  transition  to
             energy efficiency and sustainability;                        • Recognizing and promoting the work of the Marine Litter
                                                                          Cooperation Platform, established taking into account the
             •  Designating the Mediterranean as a whole as an emis-      ’BlueMed Initiative’ and the healthy, plastic-free Mediter-
             sion control area for sulfur oxides and to set an ambitious   ranean;
             enforcement date to timely restore the health of the Me-
             diterranean ecosystem and its people and submission of a  • We commit to further efforts within the framework of the
             joint and coordinated proposal to the International Mariti-  effective implementation of the updated regional plans on
             me Organization by the middle of 2022 at the latest;         “Urban Wastewater Treatment and Sludge Management”
                                                                          in agreed timelines.”

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