Page 40 - BarselonaSozlesmesi
P. 40

BARSELONA SÖZLEŞMESİ                                                                                                            THE BARCELONA CONVENTION

       issue of permits for the dumping of this mat-  area, “depth and distance from the coast), lo-  C. General considerations and conditi-
       ter, the Parties should take full account of the   cation in relation to other areas (e.g. amenity   ons
       recommendations of the competent Internati-  areas, spawning, nursery and fishing areas and
       onal body in this field, at present the Internati-  exploitable resources).         1. Possible effects on amenities (e.g. presence
       onal Atomic Energy Agency.                                                          -of floating or stranded material, turbidity, ob-
                                            2. Rate of disposal per specific period (e.g. qu-  jectionable odour, discolouration and foaming).
       ANNEX III                            antity per day, per week, per month).          2. Possible effects on marine life, fish and shell-
                                            3. Methods of packaging and containment, if
       The  factors  to  be  considered  in  establishing   any.                           fish culture, fish stocks and fisheries, sea-weed
       criteria governing the issue of permits for the                                     harvesting and culture.
       dumping of matter at sea taking into account   4. Initial dilution achieved by proposed method   3. Possible effects on other uses of the sea (e.g.
       article 7 include:                   of release, particularly the speed of the ship.  impairment of water quality for industrial use,
       A. Characteristics and composition of the mat-  5. Dispersal characteristics (e.g. effects of -cur-  underwater  corrosion  of  structures,  interfe-
       ter                                  rents,  tides  and  wind  on  horizontal  transport   rence -with ship operations from floating ma-
                                            and vertical mixing).                          terials, interference with fishing or navigation
       1. Total amount and average compositions of                                         through de -posit of waste or solid objects on
       matter dumped (e.g. per year).       6. Water characteristics (e.g. temperature, pH,   the  sea  floor  and  protection  of  areas  of  spe-
                                            salinity,  stratification,  oxygen  indices  of  pol-
       2. Form (e.g. solid, sludge, liquid or gaseous).  lution - dissolved oxygen (DO), chemical oxy-  cial  importance  for  scientific  or  conservation
       3. Properties: physical (e.g. solubility and -den-  gen-demand  (COD),  biochemical  oxygen  de-
       sity),  chemical  and  biochemical’  (e.g.  oxygen   mand (BOD) — nitrogen present in organic and   4.  The  practical  availability  of  alternative
       demand, nutrients) and biological (e.g. presen-  mineral  form,  including  ammonia,  suspended   land-based  methods  of treatment  disposal  or
       ce of viruses, bacteria, yeasts, parasites).  matter other nutrients and productivity).  elimination, or of treatment to render the mat-
                                                                                           ter less harmful for sea dumping.
       4. Toxicity.                         7. Bottom characteristics (e.g. topography, ge-
                                            o-chemical. and geological characteristics and
       5. Persistence: physical, chemical and biologi-  bio -logical productivity).
                                            8. Existence and effects of other dumpings whi-
       6. Accumulation and biotransformation in bio-  ch have been-made in the dumping area (e.g.
       logical materials or sediments.      heavy metal background reading and organic
       7. Susceptibility to physical, chemical and bio   carbon content)
       chemical changes and interaction in the aqu-  9.  When  issuing  a  permit  for  dumping,  the
       atic-environment with other dissolved organic   Contracting  Parties,  shall  endeavour  to  de-
       and in-organic materials.
                                            termine  whether  an  adequate  scientific  basis
       8. Probability of production of taints or other   exists for asses sing the consequences of such
       changes  reducing  market-ability  of.  resources   dumping in the area-concerned, in accordance
       (fish, shell-fish etc. ).            with the foregoing pro- -visions and taking into
                                            account seasonal variations.
       B. Characteristics of dumping site and
       method of deposit
       1.  Location  (e.g.  co-ordinates  of the  dumping

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