Page 39 - BarselonaSozlesmesi
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 C. Genel Mülahazalar ve Koşullar   ANNEX I  composition and quantity to be taken into con-  ANNEX II
 1. Eğlenme/dinlenme mekânları üzerin- A. The Following Substances And Ma-  sideration shall be determined by the Parties in   The  following  wastes  and  other  matter  the
 deki olası etkiler (ör: yüzer veya karaya  terials Are  Listed-For The  Purpose  Of   accordance with the procedure laid down in ar-  dumping of which requires special care are lis-
 vurmuş maddeler, bulanıklık, kabul edi- Article 4 Of The Protocol.  ticle 14, paragraph 3, of this Protocol.  ted for the purposes of article 5.
 lemeyecek  koku,  renk  kaybı  ve  köpür-  9. Materials in whatever form (e.g. solids, liqu-
 me).  1. Organohalogen compounds and compounds   ids,  semi-liquids,  gases,  or  in  a  living  state)   1. (i) Arsenic, lead, copper, zinc, beryllium, ch-
 which may form substances in the marine envi-  produced for biological and chemical warfare,   romium, nickel, vanadium, selenium, antimony
 2. Deniz yaşamı, balık ve kabuklu deniz   ronment, excluding those which are non-toxic   and their compounds;
 hayvanları üretimi, balık stokları ve balık   or which are rapidly converted in the sea into   other than those rapidly rendered harmless by
 çiftlikleri, yosun hasadı ve ekimi.  substances  which  are  biologically  harmless,   physical,  chemical  or  bio  logical  processes  in   (ii) Cyanides and fluorides;
        the sea provided that they do not:
 3. Denizin başka kullanımları üzerindeki   provided that they do -not make edible marine   (iii) Pesticides and their by-products not cove-
 etkiler  (ör:  suyun  endüstriyel  kullanım   organisms unpalatable.  (i) Make edible marine organisms unpalatable;   red in Annex I;
 kalitesinin  bozulması,  yapıların  su  al-  2.  Organosilicon  compounds  and  compounds   or   (iv)  Synthetic  organic  chemicals,  other  than
 tındaki  bölümlerinin  paslanması,  yüzen   which may form such substances in the marine   (ii) Endanger human or animal health.  -those referred to in Annex I, likely to produce
 maddelerin gemilerin işleyişine müdaha-  environment  excluding  those  which  are  non-  harmful effects on marine organisms or to ma-
 le etmesi, deniz tabanı üzerinde atıkların   toxic or which are -rapidly converted in the sea   This Annex does not apply to wastes or other   ke-edible marine organisms unpalatable.
 veya katı nesnelerin saklanması yoluyla   into  substances  which  are  biologically  harm-  materials, such .as sewage sludge and dredge
 balıkçılığa veya denizciliğe müdahale ve   less,  provided  that  they  do  -not  make  edible   spoils, containing the substances. Referred to in   2. (i) Acid and alkaline compounds the compo-
 bilimsel  veya  korumacı  amaçlarla  özel   marine organisms unpalatable.  paragraphs 1-6 above as trace contaminants.   sition and quantity of which have not yet been
 önleme sahip alanların korunması).   The dumping of such wastes shall be subject to   determined in accordance with the procedure
 3. Mercury and mercury compounds.  the provisions of Annexes II and III as approp-  referred to in Annex I, paragraph A. 8.
 4. Muameleye tabi tutma, bertaraf etme   riate
 veya ortadan kaldırma ya da maddenin   4. Cadmium and cadmium compounds .  (ii) Acid  and  alkaline  compounds  not  covered
 boşaltımını daha az zararlı hale getirme-  5. Persistent plastic and other persistent synt-  -by Annex I, excluding compounds to be dum-
 ye yönelik alternatif karada uygulanabilir   hetic materials which may materially interfere   ped in quantities below thresholds which shall
 yöntemlerin uygulamada mevcudiyeti.  with-fishing or navigation, reduce amenities, or   be  determined  by  the  Parties  in  accordance
 interfere with other legitimate uses of the sea.  with the-procedure laid down in article 14, pa-
                                            ragraph 3-cf this Protocol.
 6. Crude oil and hydrocarbons which may be
 derived from petroleum, and any mixtures con-  3.  Containers,  scrap  metal  and  other  bulky
 taining  any  of-these,  taken  on  board  for  the   wastes-liable to sink to the sea bottom which
 purpose of dumping.                        may present a serious obstacle to fishing or na-
 7. High-and medium-and low-level radioactive
 wastes or other high-and medium-and low-le-  4.  Substances  which,  though  of  a  non-toxic
 vel radioactive matter to be defined by the In-  nature-may become harmful owing to the qu-
 ternational Atomic - -Energy Agency.       antities  in  which-they  are  dumped,  or  which
                                            are  liable  to  reduce  amenities  seriously  or  to
 8. Acid and alkaline compounds of such com-  endanger human life or marine organisms or to
 position-and  in  such  quantity  that  they  may   interfere with navigation.
 seriously impair-the quality of sea water. The
                                            5. Radioactive waste or other radioactive mat-
                                            ter -which will not be included in Annex I. In the

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