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cal conditions, shall include, inter alia, the fol- (d) ensure that the coastal and maritime eco- that preserves coastal ecosystems, natural re- Article 10
lowing: nomy is adapted to the fragile nature of coastal sources, cultural heritage and landscapes;
zones and that resources of the sea are protec- SPECIFIC COASTAL ECOSYSTEMS
(a) identifying and delimiting, outside protected ted from pollution; (ii) to promote specific forms of coastal tourism,
areas, open areas in which urban development including cultural, rural and ecotourism, while The Parties shall take measures to protect
and other activities are restricted or, where ne- (e) define indicators of the development of eco- respecting the traditions of local populations; the characteristics of certain specific coastal
cessary, prohibited; nomic activities to ensure sustainable use of (iii) to regulate or, where necessary, prohibit ecosystems, as follows:
coastal zones and reduce pressures that exceed
(b) limiting the linear extension of urban deve- their carrying capacity; the practice of various sporting and recreatio- 1. Wetlands and estuaries
lopment and the creation of new transport inf- nal activities, including recreational fishing and In addition to the creation of protected areas
rastructure along the coast; (f) promote codes of good practice among pub- shellfish extraction; and with a view to preventing the disappea-
(c) ensuring that environmental concerns are lic authorities, economic actors and non-gover- (e) Utilization of specific natural resources, rance of wetlands and estuaries, the Parties
nmental organizations.
integrated into the rules for the management (i) to subject to prior authorization the excava- shall:
and use of the public maritime domain; 2. In addition, with regard to the following eco- tion and extraction of minerals, including the (a) take into account in national coastal stra-
nomic activities, the Parties agree:
(d) providing for freedom of access by the public use of seawater in desalination plants and sto- tegies and coastal plans and programmes and
to the sea and along the shore; (a) Agriculture and industry, ne exploitation; when issuing authorizations, the environmen-
tal, economic and social function of wetlands
(e) restricting or, where necessary, prohibiting to guarantee a high level of protection of the (ii) to regulate the extraction of sand, including and estuaries;
the movement and parking of land vehicles, as environment in the location and operation of on the seabed and river sediments or prohibit it
well as the movement and anchoring of mari- agricultural and industrial activities so as to where it is likely to adversely affect the equilib- (b) take the necessary measures to regulate or,
ne vessels, in fragile natural areas on land or at preserve coastal ecosystems and landscapes rium of coastal ecosystems; if necessary, prohibit activities that may have
sea, including beaches and dunes. and prevent pollution of the sea, water, air and (iii) to monitor coastal aquifers and dynamic adverse effects on wetlands and estuaries;
soil; (c) undertake, to the extent possible, the res-
Article 9 (b) Fishing, areas of contact or interface between fresh and toration of degraded coastal wetlands with a
salt water, which may be adversely affected by
ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES (i) to take into account the need to protect fis- the extraction of underground water or by disc- view to reactivating their positive role in coas-
tal environmental processes.
1. In conformity with the objectives and prin- hing areas in harges into the natural environment;
ciples set forth in Articles 5 and 6 of this Pro- development projects; (ii) to ensure that fishing (f) Infrastructure, energy facilities, ports and 2. Marine habitats
tocol, and taking into account the relevant practices are compatible with sustainable use maritime works and structures, to subject such The Parties, recognizing the need to protect
provisions of the Barcelona Convention and its of natural marine resources; infrastructure, facilities, works and structures marine areas hosting habitats and species of
Protocols, the Parties shall: to authorization so that their negative impact high conservation value, irrespective of their
(c) Aquaculture, on coastal ecosystems, landscapes and geo- classification as protected areas, shall:
(a) accord specific attention to economic acti- morphology is minimized or, where appropria-
vities that require immediate proximity to the (i) to take into account the need to protect aqu- te, compensated by non-financial measures; (a) adopt measures to ensure the protection
sea; aculture and shellfish and conservation, through legislation, plan-
(b) ensure that the various economic activities areas in development projects; (ii) to regulate (g) Maritime activities, to conduct maritime ac- ning and management of marine and coastal
tivities in such a manner as to ensure the pre-
minimize the use of natural resources and take aquaculture by controlling the use of inputs servation of coastal ecosystems in conformity areas, in particular of those hosting habitats
into account the needs of future generations; and waste with the rules, standards and procedures of the and species of high conservation value;
(c) ensure respect for integrated water resour- treatment; relevant international conventions. (b) undertake to promote regional and
ces management and environmentally sound (d) Tourism, sporting and recreational activities, international cooperation for the imple-
waste management; mentation of common programmes on
(i) to encourage sustainable coastal tourism the protection of marine habitats.
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