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3. Coastal forests and woods to ensure interaction among islands in natio- the various stakeholders, including: a view to ensuring their sustainable develop-
The Parties shall adopt measures intended to nal coastal strategies, plans and programmes - the territorial communities and public enti- ment.
preserve or develop coastal forests and woods and management instruments, particularly in ties concerned; 3. The Parties shall provide for interdiscipli-
located, in particular, outside specially prote- the fields of transport, tourism, fishing, waste - economic operators; nary scientific research on integrated coas-
cted areas. and water. tal zone management and on the interaction
4. Dunes Article 13 - non-governmental organizations; between activities and their impacts on coas-
tal zones. To this end, they should establish
The Parties undertake to preserve and, where CULTURAL HERITAGE - social actors; or support specialized research centres. The
possible, rehabilitate in a sustainable manner - the public concerned. purpose of this research is, in particular, to
dunes and bars. 1. The Parties shall adopt, individually or col- further knowledge of integrated coastal zone
lectively, all appropriate measures to preserve Such participation shall involve inter alia con- management, to contribute to public informa-
Article 11 and protect the cultural, in particular archae- sultative bodies, inquiries or public hearings, tion and to facilitate public and private deci-
ological and historical, heritage of coastal zo- and may extend to partnerships. sion-making.
COASTAL LANDSCAPES nes, including the underwater cultural herita- 2. With a view to ensuring such participati-
1. The Parties, recognizing the specific aesthe- ge, in conformity with the applicable national on, the Parties shall provide information in an
tic, natural and cultural value of coastal lan- and international instruments. adequate, timely and effective manner.
dscapes, irrespective of their classification as 2. The Parties shall ensure that the preserva- 3. Mediation or conciliation procedures and a
protected areas, shall adopt measures to en- tion in situ of the cultural heritage of coastal right of administrative or legal recourse should
sure the protection of coastal landscapes th- zones is considered as the first option before be available to any stakeholder challenging de-
rough legislation, planning and management. any intervention directed at this heritage. cisions, acts or omissions, subject to the parti-
2. The Parties undertake to promote regional 3. The Parties shall ensure in particular that cipation provisions established by the Parties
and international cooperation in the field of elements of the underwater cultural herita- with respect to plans, programmes or projects
landscape protection, and in particular, the ge of coastal zones removed from the marine concerning the coastal zone.
implementation, where appropriate, of joint environment are conserved and managed in
actions for transboundary coastal landscapes. a manner safeguarding their long-term pre- Article 15
servation and are not traded, sold, bought or AWARENESS-RAISING, TRAINING, EDUCA-
Article 12 bartered as commercial goods. TION AND RESEARCH
Article 14 1. The Parties undertake to carry out, at the
The Parties undertake to accord special prote- PARTICIPATION national, regional or local level, awareness-ra-
ction to islands, including small islands, and for ising activities on integrated coastal zone ma-
this purpose to: 1. With a view to ensuring efficient governan- nagement and to develop educational prog-
ce throughout the process of the integrated rammes, training and public education on this
(a) promote environmentally friendly activities management of coastal zones, the Parties subject.
in such areas and take special measures to shall take the necessary measures to ensure
ensure the participation of the inhabitants in the appropriate involvement in the phases of 2. The Parties shall organize, directly, multila-
the protection of coastal ecosystems based on the formulation and implementation of terally or bilaterally, or with the assistance of
their local customs and knowledge; coastal and marine strategies, plans and the Organization, the Centre or the interna-
tional organizations concerned, educational
(b) take into account the specific characteristi- programmes or projects, as well as the programmes, training and public education on
cs of the island environment and the necessity issuing of the various authorizations, of integrated management of coastal zones with
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