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 they shall undertake vulnerability and hazard   Article 24  perate in the training of scientific, technical   Article 27
 assessments  of  coastal  zones  and  take  pre-  and administrative personnel in the field of
 vention, mitigation and adaptation measures   RESPONSE TO NATURAL DISASTERS  integrated coastal zone management, parti-  EXCHANGE OF INFORMATION AND ACTI-
 to address the effects of natural disasters, in   1. The Parties undertake to promote interna-  cularly with a view to:  VITIES OF COMMON INTEREST
 particular of climate change.  tional cooperation to respond to natural di-  (a) identifying and strengthening capacities;  1. The Parties undertake, directly or with the
 sasters, and to take all necessary measures to   assistance of the Organization or the compe-
 Article 23  address in a timely manner their effects.  (b)  developing  scientific  and technical  rese-  tent international organizations, to coopera-
 COASTAL EROSION  2.  The  Parties  undertake  to  coordinate  use   arch;  te in the exchange of information on the use
                                              of the best environmental practices.
 1. In conformity with the objectives and prin-  of the equipment for detection, warning and   (c) promoting centres specialized in integra-
       ted coastal zone management;
 ciples set out in Articles 5 and 6 of this Pro-  communication at their disposal, making use   2. With the support of the Organization, the
 tocol, the Parties, with a view to preventing   of existing mechanisms and initiatives, to en-  (d) promoting training programmes for local   Parties shall in particular:
 and mitigating the negative impact of coastal   sure the transmission as rapidly as possible of   professionals.  (a)  define  coastal  management  indicators,
 erosion more effectively, undertake to adopt   urgent information concerning major natural   2. The Parties undertake, directly or with the   taking into account existing ones, and coo-
 the necessary measures to maintain or restore   disasters. The Parties shall notify the Organi-  assistance of the Organization or the compe-  perate in the use of such indicators;
 the natural capacity of the coast to adapt to   zation which national authorities are compe-  tent international organizations, to promote
 changes, including those caused by the rise in   tent to issue and receive such information in   scientific  and technical  research  into  integ-  (b) establish and maintain up-to-date assess-
 sea levels.  the context of relevant international mecha-  rated  coastal  zone  management,  particu-  ments of the use and management of coastal
 nisms.                                       zones;
 2.  The  Parties,  when  considering  new  acti-  larly through the exchange of scientific and
 vities and works located in the coastal zone   3. The Parties undertake to promote mutual   technical  information  and  the  coordination   (c)  carry  out  activities  of  common  interest,
 including  marine  structures  and  coastal  de-  cooperation  and  cooperation  among  natio-  of their research programmes on themes of   such as demonstration projects of integrated
 fence works, shall take particular account of   nal, regional and local authorities, non-gover-  common interest.  coastal zone management.
 their negative effects on coastal erosion and   nmental organizations and other competent
 the direct and indirect costs that may result.   organizations for the provision on an urgent   Article 26  Article 28
 In respect of existing activities and structures,   basis of humanitarian assistance in response   SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE  TRANSBOUNDARY COOPERATION
 the Parties should adopt measures to minimi-  to natural disasters affecting the coastal zo-
 ze their effects on coastal erosion.  nes of the Mediterranean Sea.  For the purposes of integrated coastal zone   The Parties shall endeavour, directly or with
       management, the Parties undertake, directly   the  assistance  of  the  Organization  or  the
 3. The  Parties  shall  endeavour to  anticipate   PART V  or with the assistance of the Organization or   competent international organizations, bila-
 the impacts of coastal erosion through the in-  the competent international organizations to   terally or multilaterally, to coordinate, where
 tegrated management of activities, including   INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION  cooperate for the provision of scientific and   appropriate, their national coastal strategies,
 adoption of special measures for coastal sedi-  technical assistance, including access to en-  plans and programmes related to contiguous
 ments and coastal works.  Article 25  vironmentally  sound  technologies  and  their   coastal  zones.  Relevant  domestic  administ-
 4.  The  Parties  undertake  to  share  scientific   TRAINING AND RESEARCH  transfer,  and  other  possible  forms  of  assis-  rative  bodies  shall  be  associated  with  such
 data  that  may  improve  knowledge  on  the   1. The Parties undertake, directly or with the   tance, to Parties requiring such assistance.  coordination.
 state,  development  and  impacts  of  coastal   assistance of the Organization or the compe-
 erosion.  tent international organizations, to coo-  Article 29
                                              TRANSBOUNDARY  ENVIRONMENTAL  AS-
                                              1. Within the framework of this Protocol, the
                                              Parties shall, before authorizing or approving
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