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BARSELONA SÖZLEŞMESİ                                                                                                            THE BARCELONA CONVENTION

       PART III                              Article 17                                    3. Coastal plans and programmes, which may   Article 20
                                                                                           be self-standing or integrated in other plans
       INSTRUMENTS  FOR  INTEGRATED          MEDITERRANEAN  STRATEGY  FOR  INTEG-          and programmes, shall specify the orientati-  LAND POLICY
       COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT               RATED COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT                 ons  of  the  national  strategy  and  implement   1.  For  the  purpose  of  promoting  integrated
                                             The  Parties  undertake  to  cooperate  for  the   it at an appropriate territorial level, determi-  coastal  zone  management,  reducing  econo-
       Article 16                            promotion of sustainable development and      ning,  inter  alia  and  where  appropriate,  the   mic pressures, maintaining open areas and al-

       MONITORING  AND  OBSERVATION  MEC-    integrated management of coastal zones, ta-   carrying capacities and conditions for the al-  lowing public access to the sea and along the
                                                                                           location and use of the respective marine and
       HANISMS AND NETWORKS                  king into account the Mediterranean Strategy                                        shore,  Parties  shall  adopt  appropriate  land
                                             for  Sustainable  Development  and  comple-   land parts of coastal zones.          policy  instruments  and  measures,  including
       1. The Parties shall use and strengthen exis-  menting it where necessary. To this end, the   4. The  Parties  shall  define  appropriate  indi-  the process of planning.
       ting  appropriate  mechanisms  for  monitoring   Parties shall define, with the assistance of the   cators in order to evaluate the effectiveness
       and  observation,  or  create  new  ones  if  ne-  Centre,  a  common  regional  framework  for   of integrated coastal zone management stra-  2. To this end, and in order to ensure the sus-
       cessary. They shall also prepare and regularly   integrated  coastal  zone  management  in  the   tegies, plans and programmes, as well as the   tainable  management  of  public  and  private
       update national inventories of coastal zones   Mediterranean to be implemented by means   progress of implementation of the Protocol.  land  of  the  coastal  zones,  Parties  may  inter
       which should cover, to the extent possible, in-  of appropriate regional action plans and other                           alia  adopt  mechanisms  for  the  acquisition,
       formation on resources and activities, as well   operational  instruments,  as  well  as  through   Article 19            cession,  donation  or  transfer  of  land  to  the
       as  on  institutions,  legislation  and  planning   their national strategies.                                            public  domain  and  institute  easements  on
       that may influence coastal zones.                                                   ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT              properties.
       2. In order to promote exchange of scientific   Article 18                          1. Taking into account the fragility of coastal   Article 21
       experience, data and good practices, the Par-  NATIONAL  COASTAL  STRATEGIES,  PLANS   zones, the Parties shall ensure that the pro-
       ties shall participate, at the appropriate ad-  AND PROGRAMMES                      cess  and  related  studies  of  environmental   ECONOMIC, FINANCIAL AND FISCAL INST-
       ministrative and scientific level, in a Mediter-                                    impact assessment for public and private pro-  RUMENTS
       ranean coastal zone network, in cooperation   1.  Each  Party  shall  further  strengthen  or   jects likely to have significant environmental   For  the  implementation  of  national  coastal
       with the Organization.                formulate  a  national  strategy  for  integrated   effects on the coastal zones, and in particular   strategies  and  coastal  plans  and  program-
                                             coastal zone management and coastal imple-    on their ecosystems, take into consideration
       3. With a view to facilitating the regular ob-  mentation plans and programmes consistent   the  specific  sensitivity  of  the  environment   mes, Parties may take appropriate measures
       servation of the state and evolution of coastal   with the common regional framework and in   and the inter-relationships between the ma-  to adopt relevant economic, financial and/or
       zones, the Parties shall set out an agreed refe-  conformity with the integrated management   rine and terrestrial parts of the coastal zone.  fiscal instruments intended to support local,
       rence format and process to collect appropri-  objectives and principles of this Protocol and                             regional and national initiatives for the integ-
       ate data in national inventories.     shall inform the Organization about the coor-  2. In accordance with the same criteria, the   rated management of coastal zones.

       4. The Parties shall take all necessary means   dination mechanism in place for this strategy.  Parties shall formulate, as appropriate, a stra-  Part IV
                                                                                           tegic environmental assessment of plans and
       to ensure public access to the information de-  2. The national strategy, based on an analysis   programmes affecting the coastal zone.
       rived from monitoring and observation mec-  of the existing situation, shall set objectives,                              RISKS AFFECTING THE COASTAL ZONE
       hanisms and networks.                 determine priorities with an indication of the   3.  The  environmental  assessments  should
                                             reasons, identify coastal ecosystems needing   take into consideration the cumulative impa-  Article 22
                                             management,  as  well  as  all  relevant  actors   cts on the coastal zones, paying due attenti-  NATURAL HAZARDS
                                             and  processes,  enumerate  the  measures  to   on, inter alia, to their carrying capacities.
                                             be taken and their cost as well as the insti-                                       Within the framework of national strategies
                                             tutional  instruments  and  legal  and  financial                                   for integrated coastal zone management, the
                                             means available, and set an implementation                                          Parties shall develop policies for the pre-
                                             schedule.                                                                           vention of natural hazards. To this end,

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