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the various actors concerned with a view to Article 2 Article 3 Article 4
promoting efficient governance for the purpose
Desirous of ensuring that coherence is achie- For the purposes of this Protocol: 1. The area to which the Protocol applies shall 1. Nothing in this Protocol nor any act adopted
ved with regard to integrated coastal zone ma- (a) “Parties” means the Contracting Parties to be the Mediterranean Sea area as defined in on the basis of this Protocol shall prejudice the
nagement in the application of the Convention this Protocol. Article 1 of the Convention. The area is also rights, the present and future claims or legal
and its Protocols, defined by: views of any Party relating to the Law of the
(b) “Convention” means the Convention for the Sea, in particular the nature and the extent of
Have agreed as follows: Protection of the Marine Environment and the (a) the seaward limit of the coastal zone, which marine areas, the delimitation of marine areas
Coastal Region of the Mediterranean, done at shall be the external limit of the territorial sea between States with opposite or adjacent co-
PART I Barcelona on 16 February 1976, as amended of Parties; and asts, the right and modalities of passage throu-
GENERAL PROVISIONS on 10 June 1995. (b) the landward limit of the coastal zone, whi- gh straits used for international navigation and
(c) “Organization” means the body referred to in ch shall be the limit of the competent coastal the right of innocent passage in territorial seas,
Article 1 Article 17 of the Convention. units as defined by the Parties. as well as the nature and extent of the jurisdi-
ction of the coastal State, the flag State or the
GENERAL OBLIGATIONS (d) “Centre” means the Priority Actions Prog- 2. If, within the limits of its sovereignty, a Party port State.
ramme Regional Activity Centre. establishes limits different from those envisa-
In conformity with the Convention for the Pro- ged in paragraph 1 of this Article, it shall com- 2. No act or activity undertaken on the basis
tection of the Marine Environment and the (e) “Coastal zone” means the geomorphologic municate a declaration to the Depositary at the of this Protocol shall constitute grounds for
Coastal Region of the Mediterranean and its area either side of the seashore in which the time of the deposit of its instrument of ratifica- claiming, contending or disputing any claim to
Protocols, the Parties shall establish a common interaction between the marine and land parts tion, acceptance, approval of, or accession to national sovereignty or jurisdiction.
framework for the integrated management of occurs in the form of complex ecological and this Protocol, or at any other subsequent time,
the Mediterranean coastal zone and shall take resource systems made up of biotic and abio- in so far as: 3. The provisions of this Protocol shall be wit-
hout prejudice to stricter provisions respecting
the necessary measures to strengthen regional tic components coexisting and interacting with (a) the seaward limit is less than the external the protection and management of the coastal
co-operation for this purpose. human communities and relevant socio-econo- limit of the territorial sea;
mic activities. zone contained in other existing or future nati-
(b) the landward limit is different, either more onal or international instruments or program-
(f) “Integrated coastal zone management” me- or less, from the limits of the territory of coastal mes.
ans a dynamic process for the sustainable ma- units as defined above , in order to apply, inter 4. Nothing in this Protocol shall prejudice na-
nagement and use of coastal zones, taking into alia, the ecosystem approach and economic tional security and defence activities and fa-
account at the same time the fragility of coas- and social criteria and to consider the specific cilities; however, each Party agrees that such
tal ecosystems and landscapes, the diversity of needs of islands related to geomorphological activities and facilities should be operated or
activities and uses, their interactions, the mari- characteristics and to take into account the ne-
time orientation of certain activities and uses gative effects of climate change. established, so far as is reasonable and prac-
and their impact on both the marine and land ticable, in a manner consistent with this Pro-
parts. 3. Each Party shall adopt or promote at the ap- tocol.
propriate institutional level adequate actions
to inform populations and any relevant actor of
the geographical coverage of the present Pro-
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