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to minimize the dangers of leakages, spillages, (b) That the alarm is immediately raısed on tutional basis, with other operators or entities semination of this information to interested
accidental discharges, fire, explosions, blow- the occurrence of an emergency and that any capable of rendering necessary assistance, so Parties;
outs or any other threat to human safety or the emergency is immediately communicated to as to ensure that, in cases where the magnitu- (g) The coordination and supervision of the as-
environment, that a trained specialized crew the competent authority; de or nature of an emergency creates a risk for sistance referred to in Part A above, in coopera-
to operate and maintain these systems must (c) That, in coordination with the competent which assistance is or might be required, such tion with the operator;
be present and that this crew must undertake authority, transmission of the alarm and ap- assistance can be rendered.
periodic exercises. İn the case of authorized not propriate assistance and coordination of assis- B. National coordination and direction (h) The organization and if necessary, the co-
permanently manned installations, the perma- tance can be organized and supervised without ordination of specified actions, including in-
nent availability of a specialized crew shall be delay; The competent authority for emergencies of a tervention by technical experts and trained
ensured; Contracting Party shall ensure: personnel with the necessary equipment and
(d) That immediate information about the na- materials.
(d) That the installation and, where necessary, ture and extent of the emergency is given to the (a) The coordination of the national contingen-
the established safety zone, must be marked crew on the installation and to the competent cy plan and/or procedures and the operator’s (i) Immediate communication to the competent
in accordance with international recommen- authority; contingency plan and control of the conduct of authorities of other Parties which might be af-
dations so as to give adequate warning of its actions, especially in case of significant adverse fected by a contingency to enable them to take
presence and sufficient details for its Identifi- (e) That the competent authority is constantly effects of the emergency; appropriate measures where necessary;
cation; informed about the progress of combating the (b) Direction to the operator to take any action (j) The provision of technical assistance to other
(e) That in accordance with international mari- it may specify İn the course of preventing, aba- Parties, if necessary;
time practice, the installations must be indica- (f) That at all times sufficient and most ap- ting or combating pollution or in the preparati- (k) Immediate communication to the compe-
ted on charts and notified to those concerned; propriate materials and equipment, including on of further action for that purpose, including tent international organizations with a view to
stand-by boats and aircraft, are available to placing an order for a relief drilling rig, or to
(f) That, in order to secure observance of the put into effect the emergency plan; prevent the operator from taking any specified avoiding danger to shipping and other interests.
foregoing provisions, the person and/or per- action;
sons having the responsibility for the installa- (g) That the most appropriate methods and te- APPENDIX
tion and/or the activities, including the person chniques are known to the specialized crew re- (c) The coordination of actions in the course of
responsible for the blow-out preventer, must ferred to in Annex VI, paragraph (c), in order to preventing, abating or combating pollution or List of Oils*
have the qualifications required by the com- combat leakages, spillages, accidental dischar- m preparation for further action for that purpo- Asphalt solutions
petent authority, and that sufficient qualified ges, fire, explosions, blow-outs and any other se within the national jurisdiction with such Blending Stocks
staff must be permanently available. Such qu- threat to human life or the environment; actions undertaken within the jurisdiction of
alifications shall include, in particular, training, (h) That the most appropriate methods and other States or by international organizations; Roofers Flux
on a continuing basis, in safety and environ- techniques are known to the specialized crew (d) Collection and ready availability of all ne- Straight Run Residue
mental matters. responsible for reducing and preventing long- cessary information concerning the existing Oils
ANNEX VII term adverse effects on the environment; activities; Clarified
(i) That the crew is thoroughly familiar with (e) The provision of an up-to-date list of the
CONTINGENCY PLAN the operator’s contingency plan, that periodic persons and entities to be alerted and informed Crude Oil
A. The operator’s contingency plan emergency exercises are held so that the crew about an emergency, its development and the Mixtures containing crude oil
has a thorough working knowledge of the equ- measures taken;
1. Operators are obliged to ensure: ipment and procedures and that each individu- (f) The collection of all necessary informati- Diesel Oil
(a) That the most appropriate alarm system al knows exactly his role within the plan. on concerning the extent and means of Fuel Oil No. 4
and communication system are available at the 2. The operator shall cooperate, on an insti- combating contingencies, and the dis-
installation and they are in good working order; Fuel Oil No. 5
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