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discharge for industrial effluents as well as do- (d) A description of the methods, installations diverted and then treated as part of the produ- the surface of the water, and that the oil con-
mestic swage should be selected taking into ac- and other means to be used, possible alternati- ct, but the remainder shall be treated to an ac- tent İs less than 100 grams of oil per kilogram
count the availability and feasibility of: ves to such methods and means; ceptable level before discharge, in accordance dry cuttings;
with good oilfield practice;
(a) Alternative treatment processes; (e) A description of the foreseeable direct or (d) The disposal of such drill cuttings in specially
(b) Reuse or elimination methods; indirect short and long-term effects of the pro- 2. Oily waste and sludges from separation pro- protected areas is prohibited;
posed activities on the environment, including cesses shall be transported to shore; (e) In case of production and development
(c) On-land disposal alternatives; fauna, flora and the ecological balance; 3. All the necessary precautions shall be taken drilling, a programme of seabed sampling and
(d) Appropriate low-waste technologies. (f) A statement setting out the measures propo- to minimize losses of oil into the sea from oil analysis relating to the zone of contamination
E. Potential impairment of marine ecosystem sed for reducing to the minimum the risk of da- collected or flared from well testing; must be undertaken.
and sea-water uses mage to the environment as a result of carrying 4. All the necessary precautions shall be taken 3. Diesel-based drilling fluids:
out the proposed activities, including possible
1. Effects on human life through pollution im- alternatives to such measures; to ensure that any gas resulting from oil activi- The use of diesel-based drilling fluids is prohi-
pact on: ties should be flared or used in an appropriate bited. Diesel oil may exceptionally be added to
(g) An indication of the measures to be taken manner. drilling fluids in such circumstances as the Par-
(a) Edible marine organisms; for the protection of the environment from B. Drilling Fluids and Drill Cuttings ties may specify.
(b) Bathing Waters; pollution and other adverse effects during and
after the proposed activities; 1. Water-based drilling fluids and drill cuttings
(c) Aesthetics. shall be subject to the following requirements: ANNEX VI
(h) A reference to the methodology used for the
2. Effects on marine ecosystems, in particular environmental impact assessment; (a) The use and disposal of such drilling fluids SAFETY MEASURES
living resources, endangered species and criti- shall be subject to the Chemical Use Plan and The following provisions shall be prescribed by
cal habitats. (i) An indication of whether the environment of the provisions of Article 9 of this Protocol; the Parties İn accordance with Article 15:
any other State is likely to be affected by the
3. Effects on other legitimate uses of the sea in proposed activities. (b) The disposal of the drill cuttings shall either (a) That the installation must be safe and fit for
conformity with international law. be made on land or into the sea in an approp- the purpose for which it is to be used, in parti-
2. Each Party shall promulgate standards ta- riate site or area as specified by the competent cular, that it must be designed and constructed
ANNEX IV king into account the international rules, stan- authority. so as to withstand, together with its maximum
dards and recommended practices and proce-
ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT dures, adopted in accordance with Article 23 2. Oil-based drilling fluids and drill cuttings are load, any natural condition, including, more
specifically, maximum wind and wave conditi-
1. Each Party shall require that the environ- of the Protocol, by which environmental impact subject to the following requirements: ons as established by historical weather patter-
mental impact assessment contains at least assessments are to be evaluated. (a) Such fluids shall only be used if they are of ns, earthquake possibilities, seabed conditions
the following: ANNEX V a sufficiently low toxicity and only after the and stability, and water depth;
(a) A description of the geographical bounda- operator has been issued a permit by the com- (b) That all phases of the activities, including
petent authority when it has verified such low
ries of the area within which the activities are OIL AND OILY M1XTURES AND DRILLING toxicity; storage and transport of recovered resources,
to be carried out, including safety zones where FLUIDS AND CUTTINGS must be properly prepared, that the whole acti-
applicable; The following provisions shall be prescribed by (b) The disposal into the sea of such drilling flu- vity must be open to control for safety reasons
(b) A description of the initial state of the envi- the Parties in accordance with Article 10: ids is prohibited; and must be conducted in the safest possible
ronment of the area; A. Oil and Oily Mixtures (c) The disposal of the drill cuttings İnto the sea way, and that the operator must apply a moni-
is only permitted on condition that efficient so- toring system for all activities;
(c) An indication of the nature, aims, 1. Spills of high oil content in processing drai- lids control equipment is installed and properly
scope and duration of the proposed ac- nage and platform drainage shall be contained, operated, that the discharge point is well below (c) That the most advanced safety systems
tivities; must be used and periodically tested in order
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