Page 151 - BarselonaSozlesmesi
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Fuel Oil No. 6 Gasoline Blending Stocks PROTOCOL ON INTEGRATED COASTAL and of its coastal States, taking into account
Residual Fuel Oil Alkylates - fuel ZONE MANAGEMENT IN THE MEDITERRA- their diversity and in particular the specific
needs of islands related to geomorphological
Road Oil Reformates NEAN characteristics.
Transformer Oil Polymer - fuel The Contracting Parties to the present Proto- Taking into account the United Nations Con-
Aromatic Oil (excluding vegetable oil) Gasolines col, vention on the Law of the Sea, done at Monte-
go Bay on 10 December 1982, the Convention
Lubricating Oils and Blending Stocks Casing head (natural) Being Parties to the Convention for the Prote- on Wetlands of International Importance espe-
ction of the Marine Environment and the Co-
Mineral Oil Automotive astal Region of the Mediterranean, adopted at cially as Waterfowl Habitat, done at Ramsar
on 2 February 1971, and the Convention on
Motor Oil Aviation Barcelona on 16 February 1976, and amended Biological Diversity, done at Rio de Janeiro on
on 10 June 1995,
Penetrating Oil Straight Run 5 June 1992, to which many Mediterranean
Desirous of implementing the obligations set coastal States and the European Community
Spindle Oil Fuel Oil No. 1 (Kerosene) out in Article 4, paragraphs 3(e) and 5, of the are Parties,
Turbine Oil Fuel Oil No. 1-D said Convention, Concerned in particular to act in cooperation
Distillates Fuel Oil No. 2 Considering that the coastal zones of the Me- for the development of appropriate and integ-
diterranean Sea are the common natural and rated plans for coastal zone management pur-
Straight Run Fuel Oil No, 2-D cultural heritage of the peoples of the Mediter- suant to Article 4, paragraph 1(e), of the United
Flashed Feed Stocks *The list of oils should not necessarily be consi- ranean and that they should be preserved and Nations Framework Convention on Climate
dered as exhaustive. used judiciously for the benefit of present and Change, done at New York on 9 May 1992,
Gas Oil future generations,
Drawing on existing experience with integra-
Cracked Concerned at the increase in anthropic pressu- ted coastal zone management and the work of
Jet Fuels re on the coastal zones of the Mediterranean various organizations, including the European
Sea which is threatening their fragile nature institutions,
JP-1 (Kerosene)
and desirous of halting and reversing the pro- Based upon the recommendations and work of
JP-3 cess of coastal zone degradation and of signifi- the Mediterranean Commission on Sustainable
cantly reducing the loss of biodiversity of coas-
JP-4 Development and the recommendations of the
tal ecosystems, Meetings of the Contracting Parties held in Tu-
JP-5 (Kerosene, Heavy)
Worried by the risks threatening coastal zones nis in 1997, Monaco in 2001, Catania in 2003,
Turbo Fuel due to climate change, which is likely to result, and Portoroz in 2005, and the Mediterranean
inter alia, in a rise in sea level, and aware of the Strategy for Sustainable Development adopted
need to adopt sustainable measures to reduce in Portoroz in 2005,
Mineral Spirit the negative impact of natural phenomena, Resolved to strengthen at the Mediterranean
Naphtha Convinced that, as an irreplaceable ecological, level the efforts made by coastal States to en-
economic and social resource, the planning sure integrated coastal zone management,
and management of coastal zones with a view
Petroleum to their preservation and sustainable develop- Determined to stimulate national, regional and
local initiatives through coordinated promoti-
Heart cut Distillate Oil ment requires a specific integrated approach at onal action, cooperation and partnership with
the level of the Mediterranean basin as a whole
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