Page 235 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 4
P. 235

Sezayi Köse - Zeynep Ayan - Ebru Vural
                                   Kübra Özcivan - Yeşim Koçdemir

               In these lawsuits, on the grounds of protection of the property rights of
            the  beneficiaries,  the  relevant  Administrative  Courts  decided  on  “stay  of
            execution” and on stopping the operations until defence statement of the
            executive  institutions  were  received,  and  subsequently,  it  was  decided  to
            “dismiss the case” as a result of the clarification of the matter in dispute by the
            relevant institutions and organizations and the absence of illegality in all cases.
            Due to the prolongation of administrative judicial processes and stopping of
            the operations during this process, the works on-site were delayed; therefore,
            rent allowance was provided for longer than planned for the beneficiaries who
            evacuated their houses and make ready for demolition at the beginning of
            the project, as well as the construction costs were increased, which all end up
            with public loss.
               In the technical report prepared by the university to evaluate the current
            building  stock  in  the  site  at  the  time  of  ongoing  reconciliation  process  in
            the  high  risk  area,  and  evacuation  of  houses  by  the  agreed  beneficiaries
            and demolition works, and to determine the risks that may occur in terms of
            material resistance since the buildings are illegal and unlicensed buildings
            constructed in contrary to the required earthquake regulations, it was decided
            to conduct the works in the mentioned site in accordance with article 6/A of
            Law No. 6306 as a result of the evaluation that these buildings are as risky as
            they are about to collapse. In this process, a number of beneficiaries applied
            to the court for the operations to be carried out within the scope of Article 6
            /A of the Law, some of the cases were dismissed on the grounds that there
            was no opposition to law and some of them are ongoing.
               As  of  today,  the  construction  of  551  houses  has  been  completed  and
            delivered to the beneficiaries, and 2620 houses are under construction.

               4.3. Yahya Kemal Neighbourhood of Kağıthane District Urban Transformation
               In  the  Yahya  Kemal  Neighborhood  of  Kağıthane  District  in  İstanbul,  the
            retaining wall and the structure on the adjacent parcel collapsed after the
            bursting of water mains pipe in 2019, and other buildings in the area also
            encountered with the risk of collapse. A serious material damage occurred in
            this incident, fortunately without any loss of lives.
               After the incident, an area of 3.39 hectares with 2523 beneficiaries of 134
            buildings, including the structures that were damaged or likely to be damaged
            was declared as a high risk area by the Presidential Decision in 2019, and as a
            result of on-site detection, it was decided to conduct the applications in the
            area in accordance with Article 6 / A of Law No. 6306.

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