Page 96 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 3
P. 96

The Importance Of Ecolabels in Sustainable Production and Consumption:
                                Turkish Environmental Labelling System

              Criterion 7. Suitability for Use
              Criterion 8. Informing the consumer

              Criterion 9. Information Shown on the Environmental Label

               Evaluation and Conclusion
               In recent years, environmental issues have drawn increasing attention, along
            with the idea that consumer preferences can actually improve the performance
            of the production system as a whole. The majority of the consumers express
            that, among the products having the same price, they will prefer the ones
            having a lower impact on the environment and that the eco-labels are one
            of the most important signals given to the market to help this process. In this
            context, the role of eco-labels is seen to be an effective tool that provides
            clear information to consumers and allows manufacturers to show the ‘green
            identity’ of their products (Iraldo et al., 2020).
               Encouraging the spread of environmental sensitivity among consumers
            will make significant contributions to the development of eco-label systems.
            In addition, increasing the market share of eco-labeled products, that is,
            mainstreaming the eco-labels to as many products as possible, emerges as a
            key to making those products more attractive for conscious consumers who are
            getting more and more in number each day. In this way, it will be possible to turn
            to “sustainable” products for a large number of manufacturers. Establishing
            the environmental policies that aim to improve the competitiveness of
            green products (and producers) with particular reference to the life-cycle
            oriented schemes and initiatives such as product environmental footprints or
            environmental product declarations, will not only make a great contribution to
            the environmental basis of sustainable development but it will also promote
            the eco-labels’ longevity and provide for ethical guarantees in the supply
            chain (Iraldo et al., 2020).
               It is believed that the behavioral orientation of the consumers is also
            important in consumers’ adoption of eco-labels given for the products and
            services and in ensuring an increase in the orientation towards such products
            and services with eco-labels, and that this issue should be studied. In this
            context, eco-label applications based on accurate, transparent and scientific
            principles are gaining great importance. As is known, the extension of
            circular economy in various fields considerably and the increase in the use
            of applications i.e. eco-label has led to an increase in the implementation
            of “greenwashing” which involves the abuse of the concept of green and
            environment-friendly products. Therefore, wide-spreading the science-based

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