Page 94 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 3
P. 94

The Importance Of Ecolabels in Sustainable Production and Consumption:
                                Turkish Environmental Labelling System

            of relevant public institutions and organizations, sector representatives,
            non-governmental  organizations,  and other  stakeholders  are  taken and
            transparency is aimed at the entire process. All these applications are in
            parallel with the best practices such as EU Ecolabel, Germany Blue Angel, etc.
            and meet the requirements for GEN membership.
               In the development and implementation of product or service group criteria,
            a balance is sought between improving the environmental performance of the
            product or service and the financial and administrative burden. Due diligence
            is shown to avoid establishing the criteria that may impose disproportioned
            administrative and economic burdens on small and medium-sized
            enterprises. The purpose of the Environmental Label System is to improve
            the environmental performance of products or services.
               Environmental  Label  criteria  have  been  published  by  the  Ministry  of
            Environment,  Urbanization  and  Climate  Change  in  the  following  product
            groups so far:
               •   Touristic accommodation service group
               •   Cleaning paper product group
               •   Textile product group
               •   Ceramic coating product group
               •   Dish soap product group
               •   Personal care and cosmetics product group
               •   Glass product group
               •   Laundry detergent and dishwasher detergent product group
               In  addition  to these  product  groups, it  is  aimed to  determine  LCA
            applications and environmental label criteria for furniture products, natural
            stone, hygienic products and hard surface cleaners product groups by the end
            of 2023. In Table 2, the titles of the criteria included in the Environmental Label
            criteria determined for the two selected product groups are given. As it can be
            seen, different criteria are defined for different products while there are also
            common criteria such as waste management, packaging, suitability for use,
            informing the consumer and the information provided on the Environmental
            Label. Detailed information about the Environmental Label Criteria developed
            by the Ministry is available at .
               As of the publication date of this article, three companies have the right
            to use Environmental Labels for five different product groups in our country.
            Detailed information is available on the website of the Ministry of Environment,
            Urbanization and Climate Change (https://cevreetiketi.csb. about the
            studies/projects conducted by the Ministry regarding the Environmental Label.

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