Page 99 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 3
P. 99

Mehmet Emin Birpınar, Ülkü Yetişet, et al.,

               NordicSwan  (1989).  The  official  ecolabel  of  the  Nordic  countries.  https://www.

               Pezikoğlu, F. (2016). “Yeşil Ekonomi Göstergeleri ve Yeşil Etiketler”. XII. Ulusal Tarım
               Ekonomisi Kongresi. 25-27 Mayıs 2016. Atatürk Bahçe Kültürleri Merkez Araştırma
               Enstitüsü, (1389-1398), Yalova.
               Prieto-Sandoval, V., Mejía-Villa, A., Ormazabal, M. and Jaca, C. (2020). “Challenges
               for ecolabeling growth: lessons from the EU Ecolabel in Spain”. The International
               Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 25(5): 856-867.
               Tseng, M.L., Chiu, A. S. F., Liu, G. and Jantaralolica, T. (2020). “Circular economy
               enables  sustainable  consumption and  production in  multi-level supply chain
               system”. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 154: 104601.

               Wojnarowska, M., Sołtysik, M., and Prusak, A. (2021). “Impact of eco-labelling on
               the implementation of sustainable production and consumption”. Environmental
               Impact Assessment Review, 86, 106505.
               Yokessa, M. and Marette, S. (2019). “A review of eco-labels and their economic
               impact”. International Review of Environmental and Resource Economics, 13(1-2):

               ANNEX 1

               Types of Labels Defined by ISO 14020 Series Standards
               TYPE 1:  It is a voluntary label system that aims to guide consumers’
            preferences in line with environmental favorability based on criteria determined
            by third parties in accordance with life cycle principles (ISO, 1999).
               TYPE 2: It is a label system that certifies the environmental claims declared
            by the manufacturers and service providers themselves and mostly used in
            their promotions, which does not cover the entire life cycle (ISO, 1999).
               TYPE 3:  It is an environmental label system in the nature of a product
            declaration, voluntarily applied within the scope of numerical criteria
            determined by a third party, with numerical criteria based on the entire life
            cycle (ISO, 2000).

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