Page 97 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 3
P. 97

Mehmet Emin Birpınar, Ülkü Yetişet, et al.,

            environmental certification or eco-label implementations will make it possible
            to prevent misconceptions that may arise from the greenwashing concept
            (Marrucci et al., 2019)
               All these evaluations indicate that consumer preferences are of critical
            importance in the dissemination of the implementations of the Turkish
            Environmental Label System and motivating an increasing number of producer
            organizations to obtain Environmental Labels for this purpose. It is thought that,
            with the upcoming developments expected in this direction, the behavioral
            aspects of consumers will also improve and more consumers will turn to
            “sustainable” products. At this point, it is considered that both awareness-raising
            for consumers and promotional activities for manufacturers is essential. By means
            of these promotional activities to be carried out by the Ministry and the ongoing
            developments  in  the  Turkish  Environmental  Label  System,  it  is  expected  that
            consumers will increasingly prefer environmentally labeled products and services.
            It is foreseen that Turkish Environmental Label System’s membership of GEN will
            be a substantial driving force in this development, that eco-label application will
            be used as an important instrument for both manufacturers and consumers in the
            way towards more sustainable production and more sustainable consumption
            goals, and the circular economy is also envisaged.


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