Page 252 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 3
P. 252

Evaluation of Surface Runoff Risk in The Frame of Landscape Pattern:
                                The Case of Kastamonu Central District

               Although  shrubs  and  herbaceous  plants  (32000)  ranked  third  in  spatial
            terms, it was found less than the NP arable areas class. Finding the AI value as
            94.27% and the ENN_AM value as 121.29 m indicates that patches of the class
            are close to each other and aggregated. Based on these indicators, it can be
            said that shrubs and herbaceous plant areas exhibit an integrated structure.
            The fact that the LSI value is also far from 1 shows that the units belonging to
            the class form a qualified edge structure. Having a qualified maqui tissue (can
            be defined as pseudo-maqui according to the species in the region) grown
            with the forests is pleasing in terms of habitat diversity.
               It  is  seen  that  the  pastures  (23000)  also  have  a  significant  weight  in  the
            research area. This class is represented by an area of 13,559.69 ha. The NP
            value is high, while the LPI value is low. This shows that a large number of
            pastures  are  distributed  over  the  area  with  an  average  distance  of  107.26
            meters  (ENN_AM).  The  high  LSI  value  also  shows  promise  regarding  the
            quality of the edge structure of the units belonging to this class.
               Another indicator that attracted attention to the landscape pattern of the
            research area was related to water surfaces. Finding the ENN_AM value as
            2,023.70 meters show that the 109 patches (NP) belonging to the class are
            located at quite far distances from each other. The existence and nature of
            water bodies, which play a vital role on the quality of ecosystems, emerges
            as an issue to be dealt with substantial importance. Especially in the Western
            Black Sea Region, where precipitation water management is very important, it
            should be handled with great care.

               Kastamonu province experienced consecutive disasters in the recent past
            due to exceeding the water holding capacity of the basins after extreme rains
            and increasing of the surface runoff. This issue became a priority with the
            floods mostly affected the Bozkurt district in August 2021, followed by the
            floods in İnebolu, Azdavay districts in June 2022.
               In this research, the relationships between the risk of surface runoff and
            landscape pattern were discussed on the case of Kastamonu Central district.
            This approach has guided the interpretation of cause-effect relationships and
            reaching sustainable landscape planning and management decisions.
               The criteria included in the analysis to evaluate the risk of surface runoff
            have been considered in a structure that will contain the relevant ecological
            components. The findings from the risk analysis were interpreted by associating
            them with LU/LC classes and it was found that areas, among these classes,
            covered with vegetation, especially forests, shrubs, and arable land play
            important roles in reducing the risk factor. The results of the pattern analysis

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