Page 163 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 3
P. 163

Abdüssamet Aydın - Necati Cem Aktuz

              Table 5: Prepared by the author using the Benefits and Challenges of Conservative
                                  Agriculture (FAO, 2018e) report.

                       BENEFITS                         CHALLENGES
                                            •   Adaptation of the weed control
             •   Increased water retention     strategy based on the change in
             •   Improved soil fertility (soil   weed composition
                 organic matter)            •   Agricultural machine compliance
             •   Enhanced biodiversity         and access to this equipment
             •   Increased carbon accumu-   •   Adaptation of fertilization strategy
                 lation                     •   Compliance of the pest control
             •   Reduced costs (labor and      strategy
                 fuel)                      •   Change in mindset of the land ben-

               2.3. Agroecological Design of Efficient Farm and Landscapes
               Agroecology is a promising alternative to prevent the negative social and
            ecological consequences of input-sensitive agricultural production. This is
            an approach that promotes the efficient use/reuse of existing resources in
            the field of production of crops and animals with natural ecosystem functions
            and cycles in order to increase the diversity of the production base and the
            interaction between different components (Mollison, 1988). The widespreading
            and implementation of agro-ecological farm and landscape design in the
            Anatolian steppes through dissemination services, field demonstration areas
            and incentives serves as a valid strategy for strengthening the adaptation to
            climate change in the long and medium term.

             Table 6: Prepared by the author using the Benefits and Challenges of Agroecological
                      Design of Efficient Farm and Landscapes (FAO, 2018c) report.

                           BENEFITS                        CHALLENGES
             •   Increasing crop production
             •   Diversification of economic income  •   The knowledge-based EBA
             •   Soil protection and improving soil   farming system requires a
                 conditions                           complete perception of the
             •   Improving nutrient cycle             main principles.
             •   Reduced dependence on external   •   Possible intensive need for
                 inputs                               labor and materials for tran-
             •   The accumulation of carbon in the    sition to new systems
                 atmosphere                       •   Decrease in the investment
             •   Increasing biodiversity              return
             •   Reduced labor and material costs  •   Underdeveloped markets
                                                  •   Emphasis on commercial

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