Page 160 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 3
P. 160

Ecosystem Based Adaptation Activities to
                               Climate Change for Sustainable Agriculture

            covers different structures such as agricultural afforestation (such as crops,
            trees, shrubs), pastoral structures (grassland, animals and trees) and agro-
            pastoral structures (crops and grassland /livestock).
               Integration of agriculture and forestry reinforces the provision of various
            services  such  as  production  of  food,  feed,  firewood,  improvement  and
            protection of soil fertility, as well as protection provided by wind barriers and
            wind shields. This application supports dynamic, ecologically based natural
            resource management. Agroforestry performs natural resource management
            by integrating  trees/forests into farming  systems. In this way, it enables
            diversified production to be sustainable by combining more social, economic
            and environmental benefits for land beneficiaries at all levels (FAO, 2018b).
              Table1: Prepared by the author using the Benefits and Challenges of Agroforestry
                                      (FAO, 2018c) report.

                         BENEFITS                         CHALLENGES
                                               •   Delays in the investment return
             •   Increasing crop production    •   Underdeveloped markets
             •   Increasing  the economic in-  •   Emphasis on commercial agri-
                 come diversification              culture
             •   Soil protection and improved   •   Limited information about the
                 soil conditions                   benefits
             •   Improved nutrient cycle       •   Unsecured or ambiguous land
             •   The accumulation of carbon in the   use right
                 atmosphere                    •   Contrary regulations
             •   Increasing biodiversity       •   Lack of coordination among the

               2.1.1. Agricultural Silvopastoralism
               Agricultural silvopastoralism means the integration of trees, crops and
            livestock and the blending of perennial forest plant products with livestock
            (FAO,  2018).  Agricultural  silvopastoralism  have  similar  benefits  with
            agroforestry, except that it focuses on livestock production.
              Table 2: Prepared by the author using the Benefits and Challenges of Agricultural
                                Silvopastoralism (FAO, 2018c) report.

                               BENEFITS                        CHALLENGES

             •   Diversification of production systems
             •   Improved nutrient cycle
             •   Protection of natural habitat and biodiversity  •   Loss of tradi-
             •   Improved resilience to impacts of climate     tional manage-
                 change                                        ment knowl-

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