Page 155 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 3
P. 155

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                             “Ecosystem-based adaptation is the use of biodiversity
                             and ecosystem services as part of an overall strategy
                             to help people adapt to the negative effects of climate
                             change” (CBD, 2009)
               Today, it is largely accepted that climate change is one of the most important,
            real,  oppressive,  progressive  global  problems  that  cause  significant  adverse
            effects  on  all  socioeconomic  and  ecological  systems  and  living  life  (Türkeş,
            2014; IPCC, 2013; Tekeli et al., 2011). Economic development and social stability
            are at risk due to changing precipitation regimes with increasing temperatures,
            enhancing the frequency of extreme climate events such as floods and droughts.
            These changes pose a major threat to human well-being, people’s livelihoods,
            natural resources and ecosystems on which they depend.
               “Natural  disasters  such  as  floods,  fires  and  droughts  experienced  on  a
            global scale in recent years threaten the ecosystem, in particular the human
            life; it is observed that the frequency, impact and duration of these disasters
            are increasing. Climate change is no longer an environmental problem, but
            a problem of sustainability of life. It is now essential to take the necessary
            measures against climate change in order to ensure the living standards of
            future generations” (TASAV, 2022).
               Agriculture has been the main food source of mankind for thousands of
            years. During these times, nature-friendly methods which is called traditional
            agriculture had fed the world population, which was quite less. However,
            with the technologies and techniques developed as a result of the industrial
            revolution, the traditional agriculture has been replaced by the concept of
            intensive agriculture, which targets more products from each unit area. Along
            with the increase in the human population, more natural areas were transformed
            into  agricultural  areas,  more  chemical pesticides  and  fertilizers  were  used  in
            agricultural production, and eventually the industrialized agricultural system was
            expanded, albeit for the sake of destroying nature. Civilization has stepped on an
            era of rapid development with the simultaneous increase of technology, industry,
            transportation and construction. However, the gradual extinction of nature has
            been neglected, perhaps ignored, until the observation of inevitable dangerous
            problems such as environmental pollution and climate change. In recent years,
            it has been understood that human beings now have to get along well with and
            respect mother nature. Researches in this scope have become widespread and
            approaches based on the protection of nature have started to be developed.
               As in all sectors, there are approaches in the agricultural sector that act within
            preservation - use balance for natural resources and ensure the adaptation
            to climate change. Ecosystem based applications are the most important

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