Page 154 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 3
P. 154
Abdüssamet AYDIN - Necati Cem AKTUZ
Although the effects of climate change are felt around the world, it is predicted
that these effects will increase more in the coming years. According to the
IPCC’s Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5ºC dated 2018, it is stated that
the global warming, which is estimated to reach up to 1°C, will exceed the
1.5ºC threshold between 2030 and 2052.
In the agricultural sector, climate change reveals the risk of a decrease in
the amount and quality of agricultural production. In addition to the effects of
climate change, the use of intensive agricultural techniques also reduces the
resistance of agricultural production. If we affirm this statement as “creating
an agricultural production structure that is resistant to the effects of climate
change is a rational approach to ensure the sustainability of agricultural
production”, we will actually find a solution approach with the phrase “creating
a resilient agricultural production structure”.
Today, an understanding of climate-friendly agriculture is being developed to
create this structure, and this approach is commonly gathered under the term
ecosystem-based applications. Ecosystem-based adaptation in agriculture;
while performing ecosystem functions at the levels such as field, farm, landscape,
ecosystem; It is defined as agricultural management practices that create
processes that will increase the adaptation of agricultural activities to climate
change and variability by making use of biodiversity and ecosystem services.
In this study, it is aimed to inform about the ecosystem-based adaptation
activities that propose an integrated approach to reduce the negative effects
of climate change, which we are increasingly feeling, in the agricultural sector,
and to present the developments in our country.
Keywords: Sustainability, Agriculture, Climate Change, Adaptation,
Ecosystem Services
Year 2 / Issue 3 / January 2023 139