Page 149 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 3
P. 149

Orhan İnce - H. Abdullah Uçan, et al.

            both prokaryote and eukaryote microorganisms, respectively. Thus, species
            relationships were found among the samples, while the microbial diversity of
            the different geochemical environments of the lake and the seasonal variation
            of this diversity were also revealed (Ince et al., 2021).
               When the metabarcoding results of the samples taken from Salda Lake are
            considered in a general framework, it was seen that Proteobacteria branch stands
            out in most stations, and these results are consistent with studies conducted
            for  other  lakes  in  Türkiye  (Özbayram  et  al.,  2020,  2021).  Also,  detection  of
            microorganisms from various branches such as Firmicutes, Actinobacteria,
            Verrumicrobiae , indicates an intense biodiversity in this region. Also, taking into
            account that Alphaproteobacteria , a class that is thought to contain significant
            clues in microbial evolution, is intensely observed, and that there are many
            taxons that have not yet been identified; it has once become clear that Salda
            Lake is substantially important in terms of biological point of view. Moreover,
            two different seasonal conditions have caused relatively less changes in the
            sediments and microbial mat samples despite failing to determine a precise
            behavioral model of these conditions, it was observed that they could lead to
            more significant differences in the water samples (İnce et al., 2021).
               As a result of the findings of high biodiversity and traces of ancient life
            recorded with the project carried out, it is seen that the scientific studies to
            be conducted in Salda Lake in the future will make great contributions to our
            country and the whole World, as well as to the scientific literature. As a world
            heritage site, Salda Lake should be definitely protected in this regard and
            passed on to future generations.
               For this reason, when it is considered in the scope of holistic basin
            management, it became necessary to ensure complete control on the whole
            point and non-point source pollutants in Salda Lake Water Catchment Basin,
            to preserve and further improve the existing water quality of Salda Lake
            in short, medium and long term, to perform studies for the protection of
            microbial ecology of the lake. It is also required to treat domestic wastewater
            with advanced treatment technologies including the removal of nutrients, to
            use this treated water completely for meeting the agricultural water needs
            of the region, to collect the treated water in the existing water pools in
            the region during the rainy periods and in winter, and to utilise this water
            when necessary. It was concluded that it will be suitable to implement more
            water-saving irrigation methods instead of wild irrigation, to cultivate the
            products that consume less water, to keep the fertilizers and pesticides used
            in agricultural production under control with the supervision of the relevant
            administrations, to ensure the use of existing roads on the coast of the lake
            as walking and cycling routes for touristic purposes, to plan the vehicle traffic

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