Page 148 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 3
P. 148

Traces Of Possible Ancient Life From Mars To Earth: An Assessment Of The
                            Microbial Ecology Of Salda Lake And Its Protection

              a)                                 b)

               Figure 9. (a) Environmental DNA - metabarcoding sampling at Otel önü sampling point.
              From left to right, İÜ- Assoc.Dr. Emine Gözde Özbayram, BÜ- Prof.Dr. Bahar Ince, Ministry of
             Environment and Urbanization- Nevin Kurt. (b) Environmental DNA - metabarcoding sampling
             at the Kayadibi sampling point. From left to right, İTÜ- Prof. Dr. Orhan Ince, İÜ- Assoc.Dr. Emine
                               Gözde Bayram (Retrieved from İnce, 2021).
               In  the  scope  of  the  project,  DNA  isolation  techniques  were  optimised
            depending on the sample type (biofilm taken from water, sediment, microbial
            mat, rocks), and various DNA isolation protocols were developed specifically for
            Salda Lake. Illumina MiseqTM device, a new generation sequencing platform,
            was used for analysing the samples for prokaryortic community characterisation
            with 16S rRNA Sequencing and eukaryotic community characterisation with
            18S rRNA Sequencing. Obtained raw data was classified according to their
            taxonomy by using bioinformatics softwares and their diversity indices
            were  calculated.  In  addition,  biostatistical  calculations  were  made  and  the
            relationship between the samples was revealed (Ince et al., 2021).
               A microbial ecological  map  of the lake  was created  using the  obtained
            data and it was revealed that Salda Lake should be absolutely preserved. As
            a result of the advanced molecular analyses (metabarcoding) by ITU-BOUN
            Microbial Ecology Group (MEG; on the samples taken
            from Salda Lake, microbial species belonging to Salda Lake were detected
            and certain data were produced that will allow patenting them.

               Results and Discussion

               Samples  collected  from  different  surfaces  such  as  biofilms  from  water,
            sediment, microbial mat, rocks and sterile samples from the deep section
            from 14 different stations in 6 different regions of Salda Lake were processed
            by  means  of  special  DNA  isolation  techniques  using  various  protocols.
            These samples were further analysed through internationally recognized new
            generation sequencing systems and metabarcoding. Microbiological analysis
            of the samples taken from different regions were evaluated among themselves
            as well as by taking into account the winter (March 2021) and summer (August
            2021) seasons. In addition, the samples were analyzed using both 16S ribosomal
            RNA and 18S ribosomal RNA sequencing methods in a way to allow detecting

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