Page 143 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 3
P. 143

Orhan İnce - H. Abdullah Uçan, et al.

               The Jezero Crater, selected by NASA as the landing site of the Perseverance
            rover, is the only known area on Mars where there are magnesium carbonate
            units  displaying  lake-origin  features  (Horgan  et  al.,  2020).  These  findings
            indicating the presence of carbonate, clay, delta and valleys in the ancient
            lake environment provide strong evidence that an ancient lake may have
            existed  in  the  Jezero  Crater  (Horgan  et  al.,  2020).  The  appearance  and
            mineralogical properties of carbonate units containing hydromagnesite
            (aqueous magnesium carbonate sediments) seen along the inner edges of
            the ancient lake environment in the Jezero Crater exhibit characteristics of
            lake-origin and have a high potential to carry biological traces that play a role
            in the formation of microbialite - stromatolite, which we also encounter in
            modern lake environments (Horgan et al., 2020).
               Mafic and ultramafic rocks in Salda Lake as an alkaline lake (Figure 2), which are
            also present in basin or groundwater systems provide the required magnesium
            for hydromagnesites formation; and nucleation is initiated by metabolic activities
            of photosynthetic microorganisms and secretion of the necessary compounds
            for hydromagnesites deposits (Figure 3) (Braithwaite & Zedef, 1995; Horgan et
            al. Tuesday, 1995; Horgan et al., 2020; Russell et al., 1999).

                                    Figure 2. Salda Lake (2021)

             Figure 3. (a) Magnesium carbonate samples collected from the coast of White Islands Region of
                Salda Lake. (b) Appearance of rocks with magnesium silicate (dark color) content and
             magnesium carbonate samples collected from the coast of White Islands Region of Salda Lake.

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