Page 159 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 3
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The EBA approach has often been more accessible and cost-effective
for rural communities; it has also brought accompanying benefits such as
soil improvement, water regulation, carbon accumulation and livelihood
diversification. Biodiversity is based on the utilisation of ecosystem services
and processes in order to allow the adaptation of people and their livelihoods
to the impacts of climate change. It encourages economic, social and
environmental sustainability and efficiency with an intersectoral perspective,
which includes agriculture, forestry, energy, water, social justice, education,
and sustainable livelihoods, among others (Seddon et al. 2016).
Ecosystem-based adaptation is the use of biodiversity and ecosystem
services as part of an overall strategy to help people adapt to the negative
effects of climate change (CBD, 2009). In order to classify an adaptation
activity as an EBA, activities, programs and projects must comply with certain
criteria listed below.
• It should increase the resilience of both ecosystems and communities.
• It should encourage multi-sectoral approaches.
• It should work on multiple geographical scales.
• It should be able to integrate flexible management structures to
provide an adaptable management.
• It should minimize losses and maximize benefits along with development
and conservation goals in order to prevent unwanted negative social
and environmental impacts.
• It should be based on the most appropriate local and scientific
knowledge and accelerate the creation and dissemination of
• It should be culturally appropriate, participatory, accountable and
transparent, and actively cover gender and equality issues.
Ecosystem-based management activities focusing on preservation,
improvement and sustainable land management can help farmers adapt to
short-term climate diversity (by increasing the resilience of production units to
the increasing effects of extreme weather events) as well as long-term impacts
(CBD, 2009) by ensuring the continuous implementation of on-site and off-site
ecosystem services. EBA applications are described below.
2.1. Agroforestry
Agroforestry is the name given to any land use system, application or
technology in which perennial forests (such as trees and shrubs) are integrated
in the form of spatial arrangement or temporary sequence with agricultural
products and/or livestock in the same land management unit. Agroforestry
144 Journal of Environment, Urbanization and Climate