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            and development of solutions to many social problems such as migration and
            poverty (Erdoğan, 2021). In this sense, the steps taken today with the needs
            and priorities of cities in mind will determine the future of cities.
               Working  with  nature  in  adaptation  to  climate  change  has  become  an
            important issue for national as well as international policies. Paris Agreement
            emphasizes the beed for investment in nature. In nature-based solutions, the
            resilience of ecological, economic and social systems is increased through
            investment in nature and natural resources.
               Similarly, through transition to a circular economy, the European Green Deal
            aims to use resources efficiently, achieve decarbonization, invest in eco-friendly
            technologies,  produce  sustainable  food,  preserve  and  restore  biodiversity
            and ecosystems, and reduce pollution. The Green Deal, which aims to render
            the continent climate-neutral by 2050, states that by working with nature, it is
            possible to protect the world and health European Commission, 2019).
               The New EU Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change aims to increase
            climate resilience in all sectors through smarter, more systematic, rapid and
            international actions so that the EU can reach its 2050 net zero carbon goal.
            In the strategy, it is stressed that it is important to benefit from nature-based
            solutions to reach these goals, and there should be more rapid and frequent
            investments on nature (European Commission, 2021).
               When  there  is  investment  in  nature,  many  requirements  of  EU  such  as
            The EU Strategy on Green Infrastructure, The Habitats Directive, The Birds
            Directive, EU Biodiversity Strategy, EU Floods Directive, EU Water Framework
            Directive, EU Adaptation Strategy 2021 are met in return for really low costs
            (Naumann et al, 2014).
               The  restrictions  imposed  during  the  Covid-19  pandemic  affected  the
            economic activities worldwide. Many countries prepared development plans
            to  decrease  the  economic  effects  and  protect  the  sources  of  income.  The
            call for “Green Recovery” issued by International Monetary Fund (IMF) clearly
            stated the need for transition to a low-carbon economy to revive economic
            recovery after the pandemic and secure our future.
               However,  the  report  on  the  precautions  taken  by  the  UN  Development
            Program in 2020 as part of the Green Recovery (UNEP, 2021), it was revealed
            that the goals towards building a better world have not been reached yet
            at  a  global  scale.  The  report  suggests  that  there  have  been  investments
            towards short-term economic profits, but many opportunities in the sectors
            of agriculture, forestry, waste management and recycling towards actions on
            adaptation to climate change haven’t been utilized properly. Although there
            has been an increase by 35% between 2018-2020 in the financial aid given
            by World Bank to projects focusing on nature-based solutions (World Bank,

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