Page 54 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 2
P. 54

Nature Based Solutions And Urban Resilience

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               UNFCCC, (2020). The Next SCF Forum-finance for Nature-based Solutions, United
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               UN-Habitat, (2020). World Cities Report 2020 The Value of Sustainable Urbanization.
               ISBN 978-92-1-132872-1

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               World Bank-GFDRR, (2015). Investing in urban resilience.
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               World Bank, (2021). A Catalogue of Nature-based Solutions for Urban Resilience.
               Washington, D.C.

               World Bank Group World Disasters Report, (2020). “World Dısasters Report 2020
               Come Heat or High Water Tackling the Humanitarian Impacts of the Climate Crisis
               Together”, IFRC, World Disasters Report 2020 | IFRC.

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