Page 57 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 2
P. 57

Hayriye Eşbah Tunçay


               Water  is  an  element  that  gradually  diminishes  and  as  a  resource  that  is
            hard  to  manage,  reminds  us  of  the  importance  of  living  more  responsibly
            in a world struggling with climate change of the 21 cn. For this reason, an
            important number of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals included in the
            2030 Sustainable Development Report issued by the United Nations in 2015
            are directly or indirectly concerns water. The sixth of these goals mentions
            the  existence  of  water  and  sanitation  for  everyone  and  their  sustainable
            management. The fourteenth goal, on the other hand, stresses the importance
            of  protecting  the  oceans,  seas  and  ocean  resources  and  utilize  them  in  a
            sustainable manner. The thirteenth sustainable development goal emphasizes
            the need for urgent action to fight climate change and its effects. In addition,
            it  reveals  the  need  for  protecting  natural  areas  as  well  as  rendering  cities
            sustainable. Thus the twelfth UN development goal refers to the importance
            of taking precautions that will render the target cities and human settlements
            more inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.
               As the frequency and effects of disasters and shocks that we have to deal
            with  keeps  increasing,  creating  inhabitable  cities  is  an  undeniable  issue.
            For this reason, many cities have to rebuild and question the relationships
            they  form  with  water  in  planning  and  design  stages.  Cities  are  complex
            socio-ecological systems. In cities where nature and built environment are in
            harmony with each other, social, physical and economic conditions support
            each  other  in  a  sustainable  relationship  (Eşbah,  2021).  People  living  in  a
            healthier environment will affect not only economic, but also ecological and
            social structure positively. An indispensable element of life, water has a much
            more importance than ever in forming this environment. Today, over 50% of
            the world population live in the cities. However, according to Batty (2013),
            the world population will rise till 2100 and will start to fall as the cities will
            no longer be livable. If it is assumed that the effects of climate change will
            gradually increase, it is undeniable that future cities need to be more resilient
            and offer higher standards of living.
               Climate change brought about an extension in the periods of drought and
            heat, which poses important threats in terms of supplying cities with water, and
            providing sustainable agricultural production and wildlife. Drought is becoming
            a growing threat for our country (Kadıoğlu, 2019). This brings about a need
            for  decreasing  water  waste,  supporting  water  cycle  and  putting  alternative
            water resources into use in our cities. Due to some anthropogenic issues in our
            cities, certain problems that are hard to deal with, such as low quality of water,
            pollution, saltiness, eutrophication, and mucilage have emerged recently. In
            order  to  preserve  and  improve  water  quality,  it  is  necessary  to  identify  the

            43  Journal of Environment, Urbanization and Climate
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