Page 60 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 2
P. 60
Water Sensitivity In The Context Of
Climate-Friendly Urbanism
Creating urban
Collecting water water collection Increasing
from sloping basins multi-layered
hillsides. forestation
Collecting water topographies
Rendering urban textures from aisles and
more permeable to parks
continue the water cycle
Allowing the water to flow Collecting water
through dense urban texture on through the bio-swales
a sloping surface to reach creeks built by the streets
Not fearing floodings,
designing with floods in
mind, utilizing creeks as Collecting water through
ecological components the drainage systems by
the highways.
Figure 1: Water-sensitive urban green infrastructure components
Recently, green infrastructure can be used to emphasize urban components
that serve water and carbon storage, and contains all approaches, from
green roofs to eco-friendly rainwater management systems (Shuster et al,
2008). It aims to preserve and restore natural landscape components such
as forests, river corridors, flood plains and wetlands at the largest scale. At
the upper scale, green infrastructure includes multifunctional and agricultural
landscapes and transport corridor landscapes that serve their neighborhood,
while at the lower scale, it involves green area arrangements such as local
and urban parks, playgrounds and urban vegetable gardens. The lowest scale
includes gardens, roofs and green walls, which complete all the components
of this multi-layered multi-scaled green area network (Eşbah, 2021). Cities with
a green infrastructure system that arrange these units with a focus on water
are water-sensitive.
1. Parks
The most important components of green infrastructure system are the
parks that will be provided at the scale of the city. Another efficient way
to fight climate change is building parks full of trees. Parks also serve as
Year 1 / Issue 2 / July 2022 46