Page 50 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 2
P. 50

Nature Based Solutions And Urban Resilience

            2021),  it  is  suggested  that  global  expenditures  focus  on  applications  that
            harm natural environment and basic life support systems. It’s also stressed
            that  if  the  current  situation  continues,  we  will  have  missed  our  chance  to
            heed the warnings of nature and change our course. It is emphasized that
            instead  of  measures  that  provide  short-term  temporary  solutions,  there  is
            need for investments that support recovery processes, and natural capital,
            green energy, green transport, green building, and energy efficiency as well
            as green research and development should be considered as new investment
               The share of nature-based solutions from the worldwide climate funding is
            not sufficient. The success of common efforts depends largely on maximizing
            the  contribution  of  nature  to  climate  action.  Resorting  to  nature-based
            solutions in mitigation and adaptation policies, strategies and action plans
            at a global, national and local level will support the transfer of investments to
            natural infrastructures. Additionally, the integration of nature-based solutions
            to spatial plans will decrease social inequalities and play an important role in
            managing trade-offs (Bush and Doyon, 2019).
               Furthermore, there is need for a new perspective in which nature-based
            solutions are assessed along with climate and biodiversity crises. It should be
            admitted that human welfare is not related to unlimited economic growth, but
            is rather linked to the health of ecosystems, and the material and energy flow
            in ecosystems is necessary for the ecosystem as well as human health.
               Urban  systems  depend  on  nature  and  natural  resources.  It  is  clear  that
            becoming  aware  of  the  vital  importance  of  ecosystem  services  for  climate
            change adaptation and disaster risk mitigation, and increasing investments
            in nature and focusing on nature in all actions is crucial. While determining
            adaptation  options,  the  benefits  of  nature-based  solutions  compared  to
            alternative  engineering  solutions,  sustainability,  and  ecological,  economic
            and social benefits should be taken into account (Coşkun Hepcan, 2021; 2022).
            Directing investments in cities to (nature-based) green solutions as much as
            possible, and to grey solutions only when necessary will render cities resilient.
               At this point in climate crisis, gaining awareness on the need for acting with
            nature and to this end, working towards not only mitigating risks, but also
            increasing resilience is highly important. To reach Sustainable Development
            Goals, putting nature-based solutions into practice will increase the chances
            of success.

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