Page 44 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 2
P. 44

Nature Based Solutions And Urban Resilience

            within a basin in the cities to improve the ecological structure within the basin.
            These solutions are quite effective in mitigating disaster risks and increasing
            urban climate resilience (Figure 4).
               In water basins, naturalizing rivers and reformulating meandering streams,
            and  restoration  of  wetlands  and  coastal  ecosystems  will  contribute  to  the
            increase in the water captured by natural systems, decrease in the amount of
            surface runoff, and provides efficient protection against floods and overflows
            (EC,  2015;  Morecroft  et  al,  2019).  These  precautions  are  very  effective  in
            preventing sudden floods in the cities located in the lower basin caused by
            heavy precipitation in the upper basin.
               The  nature-based  solutions  in  water  ecosystems  offer  many  additional
            benefits  such  as  preservation  of  biodiversity,  carbon  storage  and  various
            recreational  opportunities  such  as  swimming,  rafting,  fishing  and  wildlife
            watching (EC, 2015; Morecroft et al, 2019; Tremolet, 2019).
               Utilizing nature-based solutions in agricultural ecosystems will contribute
            to the prevention of water and soil loss, decreasing heat and water stress,
            disease and pest control, carbon capture and storage, supporting biodiversity,
            improving soil quality and increasing water capture capacity of the soil.
               The  nature-based  solutions  in  coastal  ecosystems  and  coastal  areas  will
            preserve coastal ecosystems, reduce coastal overflows and floods, prevent
            coastal erosion, enable carbon capture and storage, preserve biodiversity and
            create recreational opportunities.

               Figure 4: The plan and section view of the nature-based solutions for different sectors
                                        at the basin scale

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