Page 39 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 2
P. 39

Çiğdem Coşkun Hepcan

               Nature-based solutions may be in the form of natural (natural ecosystems),
            semi-natural (hybrid solutions-rain swales, semi natural river corridors, coastal
            embankments, etc.) or human-made cultural solutions (roof gardens, green
            walls, etc.) (Figure 2).

                      Figure 2: Grey, Hybrid and Nature-based (Blue-Green) Solutions
               To  define  a  solution  as  a  nature-based  one,  it  must  benefit  ecological
            processes  and  biodiversity  (Pörtner  et  al,  2021).  For  this  reason,  it  is  not
            possible  to  define  all  elements  of  blue-green  structures  as  nature-based
            solutions. To illustrate, lawn areas and engineered rivers are not considered
            nature-based solutions as they are applications resulting in water and earth
            pollution. The efficiency of hybrid solutions created through the integration
            of nature-based solutions to grey solutions is quite high compared to that of
            grey solutions. These applications yield more successful results in rainwater
            management in cities compared to grey solutions.
               Nature-based  solutions  support  climate  change  mitigation  and  adaptation
            strategies and provide many ecological, social and economic benefits (Figure 3).
             Ecological / Environmental Regulating Water flow and cycle

                                     Improving water quality, biological treatment

                                     Improving soil quality
                                     Providing soil stabilization / preventing erosion

                                     Improving air quality

                                     Reducing disaster risks
                                     Preserving and supporting biological diversity

                                     Carbon capture and storage

                                     Restoration of degraded land

                                     Disease and pest control

             25  Journal of Environment, Urbanization and Climate
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