Page 36 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 2
P. 36

Nature Based Solutions And Urban Resilience

            and erosion, and structures for flood control such as dams change the flow
            regime of rivers and harm the water ecosystems. Such interventions on river
            beds increase the risks of disasters (Adger et al, 2009; Turner et al, 2010: Ozment
            et al, 2019). Moreover, gry infrastructure may not always be the best solution
            when considered in terms of cost-efficiency, resilience and sustainability.
               Ecosystems offer many benefits such as carbon capture and storage. Nature
            and eco-systems serve as a barrier against disasters and play a critical role in
            increasing climate resilience of urban systems. Conservation of ecosystems
            and  biodiversity,  providing  food  and  water  safety,  regulating  local  climate,
            improving  sources  of  income  and  providing  sustainable  and  healthy  food
            systems will support the ecosystem services of critical importance and form
            the  basis  of  Sustainable  Development  Goals.  Nature  is  the  most  efficient
            insurance policy in many cases. Nature-based solutions provide opportunities
            for reconciliation between nature and city.
               Nature based solutions are defined as a valuable tools used to strengthen
            the resilience of ecosystems, protect biodiversity and concordantly, provide
            solutions  to  a  wide  range  of  societal  challenges  such  as  climate  change
            adaptation and disaster risk reduction. (IUCN, 2020). Additionally, thanks to
            their  flexibility  in  adapting  to  changing  conditions,  nature-based  solutions
            are more efficient and cost-effective compared to grey solutions (Feyen et al,
            2020 Raymond et al, 2017).
               With their contribution to decarbonization, mitigation of risks and creation
            of  climate-resilient  societies,  nature-based  solutions  are  an  important
            component of the global effort to reach the goals set in the Paris Agreement.
            For this reason, in order to provide a green, flexible and inclusive development
            as part of the economic recovery after Covid-19, nature-based solutions have
            started to be seen as a useful means (EU, 2022).
               Urban systems depend on natural resources (the natural capital). Becoming
            aware of the critical importance of ecosystem services offered by ecosystems
            and adopting a sense of using nature as a solution to increase climate resilience
            will  strengthen  urban  systems.  This  study  investigates  the  contributions  of
            nature-based solutions to increasing the resilience of urban systems against
            climatic dangers.

               1. Urban Resilience

               Urban resilience refers to the ability of urban systems, and their components,
            the ecological, social, economic and institutional networks to maintain their
            functions, recover rapidly, and adapt to change in the face of the effects they
            are exposed to (ICLEI, 2019).

                                                                  Year 1 / Issue 2 / July 2022  22
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