Page 171 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 2
P. 171

Demet Gülhan

            2018. The restoration projects were approved based on the decision by the
            Izmir  II  Regional  Directorate  of  Cultural  and  Natural  Heritage  dated  June
            28 2012 numbered 1029. Upon the approval of the projects, the application
            work was tendered, and Şehzadeler Municipality applied to İller Bank Inc. Co.
            İzmir Regional Directorate on 09.08.2016 with the application form numbered
            666, and asked for a loan for the Restoration Construction Application Work
            for Manisa Şehzadeler District Kurşunlu Han and Estates with Store Status.”
            The  deed  of  the  estate  within  the  boundary  of  Şehzadeler  Municipality,  is
            recorded at City Block 360, and 13-14-15-16-17-18-2021-22-23-24-25-56-27 lot
            number. The restoration work for Kurşunlu Han and its Adjacent Stores in an
            area of 3349,72 m² and belonging to the General Directorate for Foundations
            was planned and applied by UMART  Architecture Engineering Construction
            Industry Contract Co. Ltd.
               From project design to application, all shareholders consisted of Central
            and  Local  Government  members,  which  facilitated  the  feasibility  work  of
            the adaptive reuse of the Han. To this end, it was decided that the structure,
            which previously used as a student dormitory, regain its original function in
            the Ottoman Era as a commercial center. Registered as cultural heritage by
            the  Cultural  and  Natural  Heritage  Preservation  Board,  the  sustainability  of
            Kurşunlu Han became the starting point for the Local and Central Government.
               To this end, the technical and economic issues of the adaptive reuse have
            been determined. It was also decided to take all the necessary measures to
            maintain the structural integrity of the building in case of any interventions
            during the restoration. During the restoration process, first of all, the structural
            system was tested, and the additions made during its use as a dormitory (such
            as windows, doors, etc.) were removed and the Han was turned into its original
            form (Figure 4).

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